Monday, November 15, 2021

To-Do Tuesday #112

Good morning!  I'm joining in with Linda and friends at Texas Quilt Gal for the To-Do Tuesday link-up, sharing what I've been working on and my new list for this coming week.

Today, I'm so excited because something that has been on my to-do list for quite some time has really moved along, and that is the Positivity quilt!  I can't quite say it's finished, but it's close.  Quilting is finished and binding is made - I just need to get that binding sewn on!

Almost there!

I also got started on the Winter Holiday project that I need for a gift exchange coming up soon.  It's not Christmas themed, more snow themed, but since it's for a gift, that's all I can say right now.  My goal for the week was to get the pieces cut.

But I also got started on the sewing, starting with a checkerboard section, and HSTs for pinwheels.

Those two items were at the top of my "must do" list, but I also had a "hope to get to" and that was to get another quilt ready for hand-quilting, and I did that, too!  You can read more about this one in my weekend post, but here's a photo of my quilting progress.

I was a good girl and stayed focused on these three projects, and that paid off.  The potential distraction of a new project (my solid scraps that I have an idea for) were stuffed back in their drawer for another time!

So, on this week's list:
Wishing you a productive week!


  1. Hooray!! It was a great and productive week, Diann! Well done!!
    Looking forward to seeing more about your Winter Holiday project.
    Have a good comming week!

  2. Looks awesome. Sometimes the hardest part is staying focused.

  3. It's so exciting when we are close to a finish!! Good luck with your progress on all fronts.

  4. You did have a good week! I see something very familiar too, hehe. I need to make some this week too.

  5. It is hard to stay on focus isn't it - the checkerboard looks great will be interesting to see what it turns out to be!

  6. Yay for almost finished with the Poz quilt - woohoo! Those other projects are fun - can't wait to see them :-)

  7. Oh some mystery sewing! I think snow themed is a great idea so it can be used for more than just Christmas. Love the look of that checkerboard. Your quilting is coming along nicely. Congratulations on finishing the quilting on your positivity quilt - that is a big accomplishment.
    Thank you for linking up with To Do Tuesday!

  8. Love the beginnings of your Winter Holiday project. I’m really excited to see your finished Positivity quilt.
