Wednesday, August 18, 2021

I Like Thursday #249

Happy Thursday, friends!   I'm joining in with LeeAnna and friends at Not Afraid of Color to share the positive things from my week.

Inspired by the Orange You Glad blog hop that's been going on all week over at Creatin'in the Sticks, and in need of some fabric therapy,  I stopped in at my LQS on Tuesday and came home with this little bundle of Halloween fat quarters.

I don't even have any plans for these, 
but it will sure be fun to think about what I could do!

We're starting to get tomatoes from our one plant.  So yummy!

And lots of cucumbers, too.  I've been making a "salad" from them - really just a vinegar/sugar dressing that you put on the sliced cucumbers and then keep in the fridge.  Easy Cucumber Salad.

The tomatoes are really good sliced up in this dressing, too!

I had a few more volunteer sunflowers in the garden that were bending over because their blooms got pretty heavy, so I cut them and brought them in the house.  Perfect timing for getting out my August tabletopper made in 2019 from Carole's Blogger Bundle and even her design!

This week I've been reading my book club's September discussion choice.  Jenna Bush Hager writes about her parents and grandparents using their letters to her over the years and other things they've written.  It's a very enjoyable book and helps you see people you've only known as presidents as real people.

Hope you're having a great week!


  1. Your August table topper is perfect with the sunflowers! Isn’t it great to have tomatoes from your own yard? Yum-O! We like cucumbers that way too! My mom did it all the time!

  2. I have my August placemats and topper out too!!

  3. I like cucumber in vinegar too but I've never put sugar in it - will need to try that way too. I hadn't seen the Jenna Bush books

  4. Ooh, I love your new fabrics!!! It will be fun to create with them!

  5. Yay on the tomatoes! That salad sounds delicious. We had a neighbor used to make the best cucumber salad but she used mayonnaise in place of the water - oh my! It's always fun to have a bundle to pet; that is a cute one! I love Jenna's personality, and I love the Bush family too, so I bet I'd enjoy that book.

  6. Oh, I'm happy for you that you have tomatoes! And jealous on my part that you have tomatoes. Why? Because the deer continue to eat my tomato plant. I have one cherry tomato plant, in a cage, and the deer insist on eating it. Very discouraging. There are about 5 little tomatoes inside the veins of the cage, so maybe they will ripen. Hopefully. At any rate, I'm going to try your cucumber recipe. It's exactly what my grandmother used to make! Yom.

  7. Cute projects and fabrics! I'm reading "The Last Thing He Told Me" - oh my goodness, I'm finding it difficult not to just hide and read, so I can finish! Hahaha!

  8. Hi,
    Really like your Halloween will make a great
    quilt or table runner. Your Sunflowers are very pretty.
    We are getting lots and lots of tomatoes from our garden
    right now. They are yummy! Have a great day!

  9. Hurray for harvesting a ripe tomato. I don't even try to grow them any more. After we gave up the garden because of the deer, I tried growing cherry tomatoes in pots on the deck, but the squirrels harvested most of the tomatoes before they fully ripened. I use to make a cucumber salad just like that one. Have fun deciding what to make with the Halloween fabrics.

  10. I hope my book club members enjoy Jenna's book as much as you and I did. It is my choice for our December meeting.

  11. Love your Halloween fabric haul; I am sure you will come up with a project soon. Super cute table quilt as well. Perfect for this time of the year. Have a great week and happy quilting.

  12. Gorgeous table topper. Love your fabric acquisitions. I have been doing some shopping too....books and fabric. I have a couple of big tomatoes too, and you saw my haul of pears. LOL Do you sweat your cucumbers? I was reading something and they say you should slice them, then you salt them and let them sit for an hour or so. They call it sweating them which is supposed to help them last longer or something.

  13. It's so fun to get new fabrics...first I thought what store is an LQS then figured Local Quilt Store, duh! That's a pretty table topper and I love seeing food of any kind but especially home grown, no matter how small the harvest. :) Always a superior taste to store bought.

  14. My cucumber isn't producing too much right now - I'm hoping for more to make pickles. That salad looks good, too. Those Halloween prints are cute.

  15. Pretty FQ,love the bats ;) Beautiful table runner with sunflowers too!

  16. Love your Halloween fabrics and thanks for the Cucumber Salad recipe!

  17. Your Halloween fabrics are really fun. I'm not sure what the lure is, but I bought a few too with no plans as yet. But there are so many fun Halloween themed quilt patterns out there.
