Friday, August 20, 2021

Bits and pieces of aqua and some slow stitching

Happy 90th Birthday to my mom!  Today (Saturday) is the big day.  Mom is still at the rehab center, but my sister, brother, and I are going to take a cake over there and celebrate with her a little bit this afternoon.  This is a picture of my mom from a couple years ago making our annual peach pie.  We haven't been able to make a pie yet this year, but I'm still planning on it!

Meanwhile, I've been able to sew a few bits and pieces of aqua scraps together this week, starting with some crumb hearts and a wonky star.  The bonus HSTs come from the stitch and flip corners of the hearts.

Pieces and parts of two more question marks for Full Stop are ready to sew together, too.  These won't take much longer to finish.

In my evening hand stitching time, I've finished up the two Scrappy Trips blocks for August.

The sixteen blocks I've made so far are looking so fun on my design wall!

My current slow-stitching project is "Wooly Ewe" from Kathy Schmitz.  You can see I'm just getting started on her!

Sharing at all my favorite weekend link-ups:


  1. Happy birthday to your Mom! I hope she enjoyed her cake and is looking forward to making that pie. I'm enjoying your pretty aqua blocks, especially those crumb hearts. Your scrappy trips are looking great together!

  2. Happy birthday to your mom! Hope she is doing well in rehab. Love your aquas and the scrappy trips. Scrappy trips was a great idea for an RSC project.

  3. Great picture of your Mom--hope she does well in rehab. Happy 90th to her;)))
    Your Aqua/teal blocks are really pretty...
    hugs, Julierose

  4. Happy Birthday to Mom (My MIL's birthday was Friday too!). Hope she enjoyed the cake and is able to come home soon and make that pie. All the aqua bits are looking great and I love the design wall trip blocks.

  5. those are all good projects! aqua is such a pretty color. Hope mom will be alert today for your visit and in good spirits - glad they haven't locked the facilities down to visitors so you can see her

  6. Sending best wishes to your mom. I am sure she will enjoy the visit and the cake. The aqua blocks are all so pretty. Have a great weekend, Diann.

  7. Happy Birthday wishes for your Mom! Sending her best wishes!!!! Your projects are fabulous!

  8. Happy birthday to your mom, that is a great milestone! Her making peach pie reminded me of our mom always making and baking in the kitchen. Your aqua projects are super calming and beautiful.

  9. Oh my goodness so much pretty aqua going on! Aren't the question marks fun to sew!? I just love the hand pieced blocks and seeing them all together they just sparkle!

  10. 90 wow - your aqua projects are great

  11. Happy Birthday to your mom! I'd love a slice of that peach pie - yum! Speaking of yum, your aqua blocks are just delicious! Enjoy your weekend!

  12. love your scrappy trips so much! And the question marks in aqua. Pretty design wall, this rsc color is calming and stimulating at the same time. what is your peach pie recipe?

  13. Your aqua blocks are all so pretty and have a "spa-like" feel with that color. I hadn't played with aqua this month as much as I have other colors in other months. But I love the calm feel of the color.

    Happy birthday to your mom! I lost my mom 30 years ago in July, but her "birthday" is coming up this week on August 24th. She would have been 97 this year.

  14. Hi Diane!! Happy Happy Birthday to your Mom!!! How fabulous that the three of you can celebrate with you. I am 100% certain (200% actually) that is a priceless gift. She would want nothing other than the time spent with you. And it's a gift only you can give. {{Hugs}} Soon the peach pie making will resume even if her job is chatting. Love the scrappy blocks, your Halloween FQs, and especially your yummy tomato. ~smile~ Roseanne

  15. Happy Birthday, Diann's Mom! Enjoy your cake and upcoming peach pie! Loving your crumb hears Diann. Do you sew the bonus triangle before you trim them off the corners or after? I've been wondering if I would use them more readily if they were already hst than just bitty triangles in a tub that I have to sew at a later date?

  16. Happy Birthday mom! I am sure just spending time with her is going to be just what she needs. Great blocks, and love your scrappy trips, the solid color going down the center is awesome.

  17. Happy Birthday to your Mom. It's a relief that you were able to visit her after all. I haven't made a peach pie yet this year, either. I'd better get to it before the peaches are done. All your aqua blocks are soothing to look at.

  18. What a lovely assortment of AQUA scraps you found to work with this week, Diann. Happy birthday to Mom!!!

  19. Aqua is such a pretty colour and your locks look lovely. As do your trip blocks. Happy Birthay to your Mum, tell her she is an internet star now all the RSC ladies know about her special day. I've never made peach pie, it sounds delicious.

  20. Happy birthday - that's quite a milestone for your mom! Pretty blocks - I like the teal.

  21. Happy birthday to your Mama. 90 years, that's quite an accomplishment. Bravo!
    Lots of beautiful aqua blocks here and your design wall is gorgeous! Enjoy! ;^)

  22. Best wishes to mom!

    I see you've been busy with lots of fun stuff!

  23. Beautiful blocks! Happy birthday to your mom.

  24. Lots of fun stuff happening at your place. I love peach pie but have never tried to make one myself. I should really have a go.

    Your trip around the world looks fantastically rainbowy. It's such a happy looking project.

  25. I just had a peach for breakfast! They are so good this time of year, I hope you and your mom are able to bake together soon. Lovely aqua scraps being made into beautiful blocks!

  26. Happy birthday to your mum. 90 is a real milestone! Those Aqua fabrics are gorgeous.

  27. Happy Birthday to your mom! My daughter's BD is Tuesday. Love your aqua fabrics!

  28. Your scrappy trips are looking great. The aqua (turquoise?) looks so refreshing. And your little ewe is going to be darling. I'm hoping to get a blog written tonight and posted. It's been almost 2 weeks. Yikes.

  29. Best wishes to your Mom Yum...Cake! I love all your turquoise blocks. It is such a pretty color.

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  30. Happy birthday, Mom!! And many more!! Great looking blocks!

  31. A belated happy birthday to your mom!! I am glad you are having some sewing fun also.

  32. Loving your scrappy trips Diann. Amazing how effective adding a few solids is with this! And yes, 90 yrs young is quite a milestone, enjoy your celebrations x

  33. Ninety years young! Your mom has lived through lots of changes in the world, hasn't she? Happy birthday to her, and may you both enjoy your pie making! Your blocks are looking great. I especially am enjoying your RSC Scrappy Trip!

  34. Birthday hugs to your precious mom! She looks wonderfully healthy in the photo! I love your hand pieced blocks....seriously beautiful! I'm glad you have so many fun projects going on!

  35. Happy 90th to your Mother! Hope her rehap is going well and she's able to enjoy making that peach pie soon. Love all your teals. Your rainbow Trips blocks are such fun. Another bold and bright quilt in the works.
