Monday, August 23, 2021

To-Do Tuesday #102

Good morning!  I'm checking in with Chris and friends at Chrisknits today to share my to-do list for the week. 

It's been a busy week, with a long to-do list that didn't have anything to do with sewing.  We did move my mom to assisted living over the weekend as well as celebrate her 90th birthday.  Fortunately I had wonderful helpers for all of this - my sister and brother and our spouses - so the move wasn't overwhelming.  (And birthday cake was a fun treat after all the work, too!)

Consequently, my Positivity project still looks like this, and probably will for awhile longer.  

This week, I did get the last two question marks finished for this month's Full Stop row.

I also made good progress on my September blog hop quilt - just a peek here, lots of improv/crumb sewing!

So, what's going on this week?  
  • Squirrel!  Playing with these tiny HSTs leftover from my Follow Your Own Path quilt.  Sometimes you just need a little something like that in the midst of all the tumult.

  • I need to connect the question mark blocks with their background fabric to finish up the Full Stop row.
  • Time to layer and spray baste the blog hop quilt and get started quilting it.
  • I'll keep the Positivity project on my list just so it doesn't get pushed too far down in the line!
Have a great week, everyone! 


  1. Glad your mom's move and birthday all went smoothly, Diann. All of our projects will be there waiting for us -- family is so much more important than our To-Do Lists!

  2. glad the move was done - and now you know she is cared for and can visit as much as you want and know someone is there for her when you are not - the quilt blocks are looking good

  3. Good morning! That pos will get done eventually. Ooh, an HST squirrel! I should be doing a little of that too!

  4. Despite it being a busy week for you, you managed to get quite a bit done. That HST squirrel looks intriguing; I'll be watching to see what you make! Glad the transition for your mom went well, and so glad you had plenty of help!

  5. So nice to hear that you had help in moving your mom to assisted living. I hope she adjusts well and quickly to it.

  6. I'd seen in some of your comments on other blogs that a successful move for your Mom to assisted living had been made. Hopefully things will settle down a bit and she will adjust to her new surroundings. All the activity of the last few months is a lot for a 90 yr old to absorb. And you'll have the assurance that help will be there if she needs it quickly. And with all that going on, you still got some sewing done.

  7. Moving is an exhausting event. I totally understand the desire for some easy relaxing play time with little HST blocks!

  8. Glad to hear your siblings were able to help you with Mom's move. Many hands make light(er) work. Sometimes life just gets in the way of what we want to play with. Positivity can wait. Happy to hear you've got a couple of fun distractions. Surprised there wasn't some embroidery thrown in there too! *wink*

  9. I'm so glad the move is behind all of you, and hoping your Mom likes it there. Playing with blocks is such great therapy. When I get agitated or worried, I fold fabric. ;)
    Hey at least your plus blocks have a pretty container while they wait! :D

  10. So glad Mom is out of rehab and into her own space again. Nice that you had help with the moving. Sometimes we just need to play with fabrics with nothing in mind to regroup. Enjoy your stitching.

  11. Good news on the move! Is she in the same facility as her other apartment? Different wing? We had to do that with Mr Busy’s mom after her fall! It was an adjustment for her! Different surroundings! Different helpers! Different walker, etc! Fingers crossed that it continues to go well!

    Positivity well be welcome no matter when or where it lands! Keeping my eyes on your Blog Hop entry!

  12. Hope your mother is settling in well to her new digs. Good luck with this week's to do list. Why is there never enough time to get to all we'd like to accomplish?

  13. I'm so glad your Mama's move went smoothly and even cake afterwards! Your scrappy project looks like it's a relaxing sew! Take good care!
