Friday, July 23, 2021

This week in stitching...

I was thinking through what else needed some dark blue in my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects.  First, I thought about the crumb hearts and the chandelier blocks.  But they have plenty of light and dark blue, and I don't want any dark neutrals in them.

Then I remembered I hadn't looked at my Easy Breezy blocks in awhile.  Since Bonnie Hunter already started a new leader/ender challenge, and these were started in 2020, it's probably time to finish them up.

These have lots of dark blue, but I decided they could use a couple blocks that combined blues with browns.

These also need an alternate block, and this week part of my Missouri Star order arrived - this layer cake of Tula Pink's Pinkerville.  This fun print is called Fairy Dust.  It was their Deal of the Day a couple weeks ago.

I think it could work for in between the Easy Breezy blocks!

In my evening hand-stitching time, I finished up two hand-pieced Scrappy Trips blocks, the dark blue and the one in browns.

I also traced one of the new embroidery designs, and have the second one ready to trace as well.  I've done just enough of the embroidery to stitch around the water can.  

These will be my slow-stitching projects for Sunday, and in the evenings, too, this coming week.

Linking up with my favorite weekend parties at:


  1. You've been busy! The Tula Pink fabric is perfect for the alternate blocks.

  2. I like the blue and brown Easy Breezy blocks you made, and you have just found the peerfect fabric for the alternate blocks. Great start with the embroidery projects. Happy weekend, Diann, and happy stitching.

  3. How fun to see the pattern emerging on your trip blocks on the design wall. I think the Fairy Dust is perfect for the alternate block with Easy Breezy.

  4. I LOVE Fairy Dust - perfect alternate block. Your blue/brown decision looks great. You'll be interested to know I downloaded some embroidery patterns for an alternate block on a quilt yesterday, and was thinking "If Diann can hands-titch at night so can I" - lol!

  5. The Easy Breezy is perfect! Great choice. I got a little more done on my embroidery, but the biggest part of slow stitching this week was finishing quilt sleeves.

  6. The Easy Breezy blocks are adorable, and the Fairy Dust fabric is perfect as an alternate block. I saw that MSQC special and almost caved. Then I remembered I was actually going there in August, so I’ll buy some in person.

  7. Fairy Dust works really well with your blocks! That embroidery is so pretty!

  8. I love the Fairy Dust line and wish I could afford to buy a yard in every color and a bolt of the cream background one. Do you watch Tula's weekly video on IG? it's on Tuesdays and she is a stitch to watch. Quite a sense of humor and very down to earth.

  9. I missed the start of the new BH block of the year. On the other hand, I don't need to start anything new! I really like how bright and fun your Easy Breezy is. The fabric you showed with it is spectacular. Do you have enough or was it just one piece in the pack? Nice embroidery going on. I need to get back to the ornaments I'm doing for the grands this year. Lots of stitching and low motivation on my part. Hope it's a quilty week for you.

  10. Nice work on your blue blocks, Diann!

  11. fairy dust is adorable! I'm sorry I missed that deal... it looks perfect with your colors... yes use it!

  12. Love that fabric you got and it is perfect with those blocks. The embroidery is lovely with the watering can.

  13. Your July has turned into a carnival of rainbow colours, very happy to look at. It just cracks me up and make me smile, thank you.

  14. You have a lovely and colourful design wall. I love what I see. Fairy Dust is perfect for your Easy Breezy blocks and the right size too. Enjoy the embroidery! ;^)

  15. awesome work! love all your projects you've got going!

  16. Woo hoo! Your Easy Breezy quilt will be gorgeous, what a good find for the alternate block. And your scrappy trips blocks and the embroidery block are amazing.

  17. Fairy Dust is the PERFECT fabric for the alternate blocks!!! I've almost finished up my mystery socks (last clue has been started) and I've already decided what handwork to start next. I bought some fabric with that in mind while on retreat. Love the watering can pattern. Both will be so pretty.

  18. Your Easy Breezy blocks are fabulous. Oh yes, the Fairy Dust fabric is the perfect fabric to dance beside these blocks. You truly have the prettiest design wall!

  19. Oh, I love fairy dust! It looks fabulous with your blocks!

  20. Love the Tula choice! I love all the colors in it and it makes for a beautiful background!

  21. Your choice of the Tula fabric is perfect for those Easy/Breezy blocks! You accomplish so much in a week! WOW!!! Love the scrappy trip blocks too!

  22. Fairy Dust will be fabulous with Easy Breezy blocks! I like your start on the watering can! Hope you get some stitching in, but lots of visiting and enjoying! Have a great week!

  23. The Easy Breezy blocks look great! I bought that Fairy Dust deal, too, because it was too hard to pass up! LOL I want it for another pixellated heart quilt in the low volume area. It looks awesome between your Breezy blocks! Good choice.

  24. Wonderful projects to enjoy! I also love the Fairy Dust fabric and it is perfect for the alternate blocks on this leader ender project... and the name could be "Easy Breezy Fairy Dust"!

  25. What a pretty fabric that is a wonderful complement to those blocks. Love the way the watering can is looking.

  26. Those easy breezy blocks make such a great layout and I love your new fabric suggestion for between. Cute embroidery too!

  27. I don't have many projects needing blue this month either. So I have been catching up on some of the older colors I have missed.

    I agree - that Tula print is perfect! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  28. You have got some fun cheerful projects that you are working on. Love your leader / ender project .I do need to start a new one too. Enjoy your day and happy quilting.

  29. You keep busy. Enjoy. Have a beautiful day

  30. There's an echo in everyone else has said...that Fairy Dust is perfect for the alternate to the Easy Breezy blocks.

    Those are some cute embroideries and those hand pieced Trips are pretty impressive!

  31. The Free Spirit fabric is making my mouth water - love love love it!

    Now, that Trip Around the World in color match scrappy fashion is totally talking to me. The way you positioned the blocks - loving it. My next scrap quilt may have to follow suit.
