Wednesday, July 28, 2021

I Like Thursday #246

Hello, friends, and happy Thursday!  It's been a heck of a week in our neck of the woods, and many days of not much to like.  My mom fell in her apartment last Friday and after multiple hours spent in the ER on two different days, she was finally admitted to the hospital for treatment.  As of today, she is in a rehab center where she will get lots of therapy to help her get stronger again.

One thing I can say that I have liked is the kindness and care of the nurses and CNAs on Mom's hospital floor.   They were just great with Mom, and we appreciated them so much!

Meanwhile, there have been a few things that have made me smile this week.  Like this pretty volunteer sunflower that is blooming in my garden right now.

And in the category of "Oh look!" I found a pumpkin growing!

This morning (Wednesday) I was able to participate in a "Stuff the Backpacks" event as a volunteer for the Thompson Education Foundation, which supports our local schools.  These backpacks are given to kids and families who need a little extra support.  I was in the first shift, and here's our results!

I haven't had much time to sew this week, but I did manage to sneak down to my sewing room for a few minutes really early one morning.  I enjoyed getting a little bit done on a *secret* sewing project that I have going.  It needs lots of low volume crumb blocks, and some green.  More about this in September!

I have been able to be home in the evenings, and have been stitching away on my latest embroidery project.  Lots of pretty greens for stems and leaves.

Good stitch therapy!
(Thanks, Wendy!)

Let's just hope the days get better for my mom from here on out!  Joining in with LeeAnna and friends at Not Afraid of Color for I Like Thursday.


  1. Oh no! Poor mom, and poor you. My dad had surgery scheduled to remove the kidney stone on the 3rd, but they determined he is just too weak...he isn't eating, won't exercise, and because he is in so much pain they have been giving him oxytocin so he sleeps way too much. I told my mom you can't nag him, he has to want it---I have a volunteer sunflower too, not blooming yet, but it is in the middle of my mulch pile. Great stitching and can't wait to see what you do with all those awesome crumb blocks.

  2. Oh dear! Glad it sounded like nothing was broken but falls are scary -- for both the fallen and the fallen's family. Here's to a speedy recovery and seeing pictures of Mom sitting comfortable in her chair again. Meanwhile, that's good progress on your watering can!

  3. I just emailed you about your Mom, so here is my answer! I'm so sorry, falls are so scary. I'm very happy she is getting therapy and hope she stays positive about her move to CO!
    Your secret sewing looks interesting, and I love your embroidery on that pretty pitcher. I used to work for a church that provided backpacks for schools whose kids could not afford them. It's a lot of work but what am impact it makes.

  4. I'm so sorry that your mother is having a rough time and so glad for you though as now you are close enough to help. I hope she recovers soon and has not broken anything. Nice to see a pumpkin! the backpack thing is great I think they have a program like that here too

  5. I think falls are the number one things that happen as we age! Hopefully rehab will give her some added strength and increased balance! Your stitchers is coming along. So pretty! Secret sewing….so mysterious! Love crumb blocks! Have a good week!

  6. I am so sorry to hear your mom fell, but no broken bones right? I'm glad to hear she is getting the help she needs with nice medical staff. Hugs to you and be sure to take care of yourself.

  7. Oh darn. Here's to hoping your Mom heals quickly and can return to her home.

    All those backpacks on the first shift is a wonderful thing. There are good people everywhere.

  8. I'm so sorry your mom is having a difficult time. We went through the falls with my mother-in-law. It is not easy.
    I'm loving the watering can embroidery!

  9. Oh I hope your mom recovers quickly, that's so stressful for her and for you. I love your stitching, and those crumb blocks. I have a volunteer tomato plant!

  10. While I'm so sorry about your mom's fall, I'm so glad she was close by so you can be with her as she goes through rehab, etc. Your stitch therapy is looking really good - glad you have that to do!

  11. Hope your Mom gets stronger every day.
    I'm intrigued by the neutral crumb blocks... what a great idea for using up small pieces.
    Your embroidery block is looking really great!

  12. I hope your mom is feeling stronger soon. Glad you found time to enjoy your garden ... the sunflower is beautiful ... and, also, your sewing. Your secret sewing crumb blocks are pretty. Looking forward to seeing more. Your stitching is lovely. Thank you for sharing Thursday with me ... :) Pat

  13. Sorry to hear that your mother has had a fall so soon as getting settled in her apartment. At least she's close by now, making it easier for you to check on her. Volunteer sunflowers are fun to find. They never survive here those because the deer or rabbit snip them off. Intrigued by the neutral crumb blocks.

  14. Hi,
    Your Sunflower is very pretty. What a cute pumpkin. I've never grown those before. Awesome job on the Backpacks! I wonder what that secret project is going to be...ummm. Love the pretty. Have a great day!

  15. Oh, so sorry about your mother. No fun being in the ER. Yay for volunteers! :-) I like your neutral blocks. Very nice. Pretty embroidery.

  16. It’s so sad to hear that your mom fell and hurt herself enough to warrant an ER visit. But the rehab and PT is a good thing to help her strengthen up. You were very wise to move her close by, but I’m sorry that you have to go through this. Like you, we have sunflowers blooming (planned/planted) and pumpkins coming along too. Finally! And I think this will be The Year of the Spaghetti Squash!!

  17. What a worry for you! But it sounds like she is in good hands for awhile and can get stronger. How old is she? Your hand stitching is looking great! I think I should take that up as an evening project for when I'm sitting in front of our TV. Hoping you have a better week ahead!

  18. Keeping your Mom in my prayers! I love that the staff is so wonderful, makes the stressful time a little more tolerable! Love your sunflower and pumpkin! Your secret project looks great! Hugs!

  19. I'm late... gosh I hope your mama heals quickly
    A pumpkin!!!
