Wednesday, October 7, 2020

I Like Thursday #205

 Good morning, friends!  I wait every fall for these trees across the street from me to turn their beautiful October red, and this week was it.  I'm pretty sure my cell phone camera doesn't do them justice, but they sure are pretty!

I had a chance to get my little Humble Quilts QAL quilt top layered with batting and backing and ready to quilt on Tuesday afternoon, so I've been enjoying stitching on it the last couple nights.

You can read more about it in some previous posts here and here.
It measures about 14 x 18 inches. 

I'm reading my book club book this week, and can't exactly say I like it or would recommend it, but it's one of those psychological thriller - type stories, so it's fascinating in its way.  It is keeping me reading to find out what happened!  

It's about a woman who may have killed her husband, and has never spoken since the crime took place, so is in a mental institution.  Her therapist (who narrates the story) is trying to figure out what happened.

A really great benefit of our local public library is the ability to read the New York Times for free!  Sometimes it's more news than I can handle, but there is a mini crossword puzzle that I've gotten in the habit of doing everyday, and I look forward to it, too.  It just takes a couple minutes, and it's fun!

A friend sent me this sweet card this week, and it's really neat!  Three dimensional and with lots of bling - definitely a keeper!

Thanks for visiting on "I Like Thursday" and be sure to check out the other positive posts at Not Afraid of Color!



  1. I like your tree. Yep there are trees I wait for to change. What a pretty card. I love the NYT. I actually subscribe and get a mini version (not all the arts, food, or big crossword) for $1 a week. But I like reading their articles.

  2. Mom & I read that book. We found it interesting too and enjoyed reading it. I'm sitting here trying to remember how it ends .... Fun crossword puzzle!

  3. Our trees are starting to turn, but very unevenly. There is a tree across the lake like your neighbor's that I always look forward to. I don't think I will add that book to my list ...

  4. The book sounds interesting and will look for it. On the way home from getting groceries the other day I spotted a tree with the top perfectly red like that - the bottom still had to turn so it looked odd with top half red and bottom half still green.
    I like the NYT's and need to see about a subscription

  5. Red trees are special in our part of the country. I told Mr Bust, that is we have to replace a tree or needs to be with a red one! He nodded, condescendingly! Depending on the psychological thriller, I am usually not a fan! But, I’ll add it to my list to check out!
    Hope your mom is improving! That was a lovely card you received. I have 2 friends who are card makers. I definitely save those! Have a good week. I think I we’ll go back and try the Humble Quilt’s QAL. Yours is so sweet!

  6. We think we are at the height of the foliage colours just now with the reds coming out. SUch a pretty sight. I read that book a few years back and did not think it held up to all the hype but I thought it was ok. It's so great when a piece gets to the sandwich stage,isn't it. I do little online cross words like that too but we do not get that famous newspaper here; I used to be able to get it back need gloves to wear while reading the Sunday edition because it is so thick and so much ink. I would love to be able to get just that every week...of course it takes all week to get through it.

  7. what a pretty card! And we have a tree that is a pretty shade of red orange, but the sky is not clear enough to really enjoy the color. The smoke was so bad yesterday we all couldn't be out. I'll skip the book, life is scary enough for me these days!

  8. Hi Diann! Oh, that butterfly is just gorgeous. How thoughtful of your friend to send it to you. And that TREE! Gorgeous. I love this time of year for that very reason, and your Humble quilt top kind of mimics the tones in those trees in your photo with the golds, oranges and reds. ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. I read magazines from my library but I didn't know newspapers might be available..I'll check! Love that pretty butterfly card!

  10. Layered means one step closer to a complete wall having or topper. Happy quilting, Diann!!

  11. Nothing beats fall colors! Yay for getting your little mini layered and ready for quilting. I've read that book, so won't say any more. It reminded me of another book I had read, so unfortunately I figured it out before I got to the end. I miss crossword puzzles!

  12. Beautiful trees! How nice to have your quilt ready to quilt! Sounds like an interesting book. Love the butterfly card - that is so pretty.

  13. Gorgeous trees, nice that you have them so close to enjoy:) Our neighbor has one that is gold and orange so pretty. Another has one that is turning purple. Of all the trees we have on our property there just aren't very pretty ones.

  14. That butterfly card is beautiful. I keep those kind even though I never do anything with them. Those red trees are gorgeous. No red ones near us. We usually go to the quilt store in Dansville this weekend for a sale and see all the wonderful fall colors, but alas, no sale this year. I do the mini crossword in the NYT, too and the sudoku in the Washington Post.

  15. Lovely trees Diann! I do love to see the changing colours of the trees! I don’t generally read that type of book but I’ve read a couple recently and they made me read to the end as I had to find out what happened too!
    Pretty card from your friend, I can never throw out a handmade card either!
    Barbara xx

  16. That mini is so pretty! I love the little peeks of sunflowers in their pots. Looks like your street is really pretty with foliage. That sounds like an intriguing book. I'm on the second book in the Cobbled Court Quilt series and it is good escape for me.
    How's your Mom doing?

  17. What a beautiful card! There is an entire street near here that is lined with trees (for most of a mile--it's a main street, not residential) that turn gold and the effect is magical if you can catch it at the right time. In windy KS, you have to be quick sometimes and I missed it last year so watching and waiting...!

  18. Not many fall colors here but there are a few trees that turn during 'winter'. I love fall colors and your little quilt is so cute. The book you are reading sounds interesting, but not sure I'm going to read it. Beautiful card.

  19. I'm behind on my reading but had to tell you how much I am liking your humble quilt! It's such a neat combination of colors! Have a great weekend!

  20. I really like those blue borders on your mini quilt. That butterfly card is really pretty, you could frame that as wall art.
