Monday, October 5, 2020

To-Do Tuesday #58

Happy Tuesday!  I'm checking in today with my weekly to-do list and linking up with Roseanne and friends for the To-Do Tuesday linky party at Home Sewn By Us

It's been a week here at the Little Penguin house.  My mom took a bad fall last Monday and ended up in the hospital, so there has been lots of time spent on the phone, or texting, or emailing with my siblings about what needs to happen and very little time spent in the sewing room.  

I've been able to spend some evening stitching time hand-piecing this little mini quilt, which wasn't even on my to-do list!  But I love this kind of sewing and find it very calming - just what I needed while worrying from afar.  This week's job is to add the borders and get it ready for quilting.

I did accomplish a few things on my list.

A little more quilting on the Color Gradient blocks:

And a tiny bit of a start on my yellow Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks for October:

This week's list is dependent on whether or not I have to get on a plane and go to Arizona to help out with my mom or not.  If I stay home, I'll plan to:

1.  Finish the Humble Quilts QAL quilt top and get the quilting started.
2.  Work on more yellow blocks.
3.  Keep quilting!  🤗

Thanks for visiting today, and have a productive week!


  1. So sorry to hear about your Mom! Saying some prayers for her! Love your projects right now and your handsewn Humble Quilt is amazing! Get some rest (if you can) and stay safe! Hugs!

  2. Oh I hate to hear about the fall and hope your Mom is feeling better by now. It is so hard to know exactly what to do and when to do it, while keeping in mind what is going to make her happy and keep you and your siblings at peace. Sending prayers your way.
    Your little mini quilt looks pretty. I'm going to check out the link you have for the QAL so I can dream about quilting - lol!

  3. Sorry to hear about your mom. I hope her recover goes smoothly. After my fall in January I am ever more vigilant about holding on to stair rails, keeping things off the floor, and taking my time.

  4. so sorry about your mom falling and in the hospital I hope she will be well soon and able to go back home.

  5. Oh Diann, I’m sorry your mom had a fall! It is so hard to be far away. Hope you don’t have to go to AZ, but if you do...take care. Your to do list will wait!

  6. Hi Diann! Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that your Mom has fallen. It's scary and disheartening when you are so far away. I hope your sibs are handling things well - are there a few who are nearby? I was always in the position of being the handler - and the sharer of information. When it was out of my hands (for my brother-in-law), it is much harder to be on the other end. I ended up just driving to the hospital to get a first-hand update (pre-COVID) since they did a horrible job sharing info. It was a learning and eye-opening lesson for me. {{Hugs}} I'm glad you have a nice hand project to keep you calm. Of course, I love the yellow RSC trees. Thank you for linking up this week! ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Oh, goodness, Diann!! Sounds like you definitely needed that Slow Stitching on your 50 Shades of Brown mini. Hoping your Mom is doing ok!

  8. What a week you've had! I'm glad you have some fun little projects to work on while you try to navigate care for your mom. Love your little 50 Shades quilt!

  9. So sorry to hear about your mom's fall, Diann! I'm glad you have siblings who can help with managing the fallout. Hopefully she'll recover swiftly and fully. I think you got a great deal done this week, especially considering the additional stress you must be dealing with. Your yellow blocks look like just the patch of sunshine you needed. Sending hugs and prayers for your mom's healing.

  10. So sorry to hear about your mom, Diann. Best wishes being sent to her for a full and speedy recovery. xo

  11. Your Humble Quilt is adorable, love the blue border really picking up the little bit of blue in the 9-patch. So sorry to hear the news about your mother. It's really hard when you're not right there ... the worry! ((hugs))

  12. Sorry about mom - those things put a wrench in everyones plans! ( especially Mom!!) prayers for her, I like all the accomplishments you made this week!

  13. So sorry to hear your mom fell. I hope it isn't to serious. Keep us posted. If you go, have some hand stitching ready to go with you.

  14. Adorable little! Such pretty colors.

  15. Hope your mother is recovering well. Love those yellow trees! Hope you've been able to make some progress on this week's to do list.
