Wednesday, April 15, 2020

I Like Thursday #182

Life is good!

Some things I've liked this week - 

The pretty grape hyacinths blooming in my front garden on Saturday.

This, on Monday morning, not so much...

But I like how hardy the hyacinths are - after the snow melted off of them, they popped right back up!

This tasty  meal -  Cheesy Turkey Meatball Skillet

I think it is meant to be cooked in a skillet that can go from stovetop to oven, but I don't have one of those, so I just did the whole thing on top of the stove.

A new blade in my rotary cutter - what a difference that makes!

And this - 

Hope you're having a good week - finding ways to enjoy yourself and staying healthy!   Joining in with LeeAnna and the "I Like Thursday" bunch 


  1. Great likes. Um we had the snow yesterday. I like the top saying and the bottom one made me giggle

  2. Thanks for the beautiful thoughts and things to smile about.

  3. Hahahah on the last one! Yes life is good, we have a lot to be thankful for, even with the snow, right? I've been quilting this week, so my arms are sore from wrestling the quilt through the sewing machine - lol! Love the little grape hyacinths.

  4. Your hyacinths are so pretty and dainty, I used to have a couple plants and I think they died as I don't remember seeing them last year. That first saying should be our motto this year!

  5. I remember many Easters in Denver and getting an Easter snow. We didn't make snowMEN, we made snowBUNNIES! Thanks for taking me back down memory lane. Love the grape hyacinth pics and LOL at your stickers!

  6. I really do need to change my rotary blade - I do not know why I use them so long it is crazy. love those little grape hyacinths.

  7. Love those blue flowers. I remember them on the side of the road .

  8. I love grape hyacinths too! Sorry about the snow :( We had sleet last week but it didn't stick. Your new recipe looks wonderful! Love the virus humor! Stay well!

  9. I especially like the sentiment of the last quote you posted. So true, lol! Spring is on the way.

  10. Snippets from the web... Both SO true!!!

  11. Love these likes, Diann. And your snow photo looks just like here. I know it won't last long but don't want to see it nonetheless. Great sentiments, btw.

  12. Thanks for reminding me to look on the bright side. But that dang snow has got to go. We had more last night. I saw a version of the last quote on Instagram recently. I guess I'll add a gratitude to the list. I'm thankful I'm not depending on that stimulus check.

  13. So many good things in this post. I love the color of the grape hyacinths! Our snow is slowly disappearing, and maybe we'll see temps in the 60s next week again. Hope so!

  14. Those hyacinths are gorgeous!!!! So wonderful and saturated in color. And turkey meatballs sound so good! I should make some meatballs.... Have a good week!

  15. Hi Diann! Yes, please. Let's uninstall 2020 and get rid of the virus. I know everyone would like a do-over. A new blade - that makes all the difference! Life is so good, here too. I am thankful for that. The governor just extended our stay-at-home order until May 26th. That's nuts. Take care, my friend. ~smile~ Roseanne

  16. LOL I am ALL for deinstalling and reinstalling 2020. I like your first meme, too. I am grateful. I need to replace my rotary blade. Those cheesy meatballs look delicious!! Ahh.... some seriously good likes.

  17. lol, yes, reboot!!!

    those meatballs look so good
    and a new rotary cutter blade is amazing but dangerous. You don't realize how hard you had been pressing down til you get a new one and almost cut through the tabletop.
