Monday, January 27, 2020

To-Do Tuesday #22

This has been a week of sewing a little bit of this and a little bit of that, so I accomplished some things on my To-Do list, and not others.

I did continue quilting on Tiny Tuesday, and it's almost done.  I find I only want to quilt for about 20 minutes a day, and spend the rest of my time sewing on other projects.  That, of course, makes it a slow process!

I did pick up this pretty red Grunge for the binding!

I finished up January's trees for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

I'm making 8 every month - February's color is orange!

What I didn't get to was working on the center circles for the sunflowers to go on Scrappy Sprouts.  They'll go back on this week's list!

So for this week's To-Do list:

1.  Finish up that quilting on Tiny Tuesday, trim it, make the binding, and sew it on for the hand-stitching part.  I'm getting close to a finish, I just know it! :)

2.  Keep up with my RSC blocks - I'll need to hunt around for just the tight orange fabrics!

3.  It's time to get the design traced and colored for the February National Embroidery Month stitch along, sponsored by Crabapple Hill Studios.

This should be some fun stitching to work on!

4.  And maybe, just maybe, I'll get to those center circles for the sunflowers, too!


Sharing at Home Sewn by Us for To-Do Tuesday.  Thanks, Roseanne, for helping me stay organized!  


  1. Red Grunge is perfect for your Tiny Tuesday quilt! I think I'm going to pass on the stitch-along and be content to watch your progress. It is going to be really cute.
    I saw your new color challenge on your last post - looks like fun, and I liked your American Goldfinch block. I may check that out too!

  2. I love your bright yellow Dresden!! it reminds me so much of my finished top - I have no idea when I will be quilting it maybe next up?

  3. Hi Diann! I didn't know that February in National Embroidery month. How fitting that Sue is working on a Crabapple Hill design, and is enjoying it so very much. LOVE your trees! How fun these will be in every color, especially orange. It looks like you plan to use the color either for the tree itself or the background? Those sunflowers are gorgeous - the fabrics you selected look so fun together. Good luck on another productive week. Thanks for linking up this week! ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I keep looking at the Crabapple Hill SAL pattern ... but I just can't bring myself to commit to it right now! I did, however, download it! I love your yellow Dresden! So pretty and ... sunny! :)

  5. Red Grunge is a great idea for the binding. I'm thinking about you today, as I sit here finishing a late lunch and trying not to pick up my new book (The Silent Patient) and just read the rest of the afternoon. Since you are one of my bookish friends, you came to mind for some reason. I should quilt, but reading . . . and maybe a nap!

  6. Diann, that red grunge is going to be spot-on! Loving your progress!!!!

  7. Hey, piecefulwendy! I read The Silent Patient and really enjoyed it too -- as did my mother! Currently reading Something In the Water by Catherine Steadman. Keeps me wanting to read too.

  8. Being that close to finishing your tiny Tuesday project I am sure you will meet your goal on that one!

  9. Your trees are so bright and lovely, they will make a gorgeous forest quilt at the end of the year. Yes, I can feel it too - you are so close to the finish on your TT quilt - I can almost smell it :-) Oh no, I think that is the sunflower!!! Silly me. Productive you!!!

  10. I am drooling over your yellow sunflower blocks. That quilt will be so amazing!

    I forgot to tell you how much I love your blue embroidery blocks! I love blue.

  11. Slow progress is still progress. Sometimes we have to mix it up or else the task is too overwhelming and we stall out (ask me how I know). Hopefully you've already ticked off a number of items from this week's to do list. I'd love to see you finish off those sunflowers. That is such a cool project.
