Monday, January 27, 2020

January Color Challenge Block

After seeing so many pretty and colorful blocks made during the 2019 Color Challenge sponsored by Jen at Patterns by Jen, I decided to join in this year!  Reading that her inspiration for this year's challenge is birds just sealed the deal, as my husband and I love birdwatching and feeding the birds that visit our backyard.

January's block is all in yellow, inspired by the American Goldfinch, one of our favorite birds to see!  I wanted to go with a scrappy look, so chose a few different yellow fabrics for my 4 patches and Kona Butter for the background.  In real life, the Kona Butter is much lighter than this photo shows, but you know how that goes when you're trying to get a quick photo!

More info about the 2020 Color Challenge can be found here.

Linking up with the January Color Challenge over at Patterns by Jen.


  1. So pretty... one of my favorite colors :)

  2. That's a pretty block, Diann! I like the different yellows together :-)

  3. Sounds like a perfect fit! Love your block!

  4. Such pretty yellows!! So happy to have you join the Color Challenge!

  5. the yellows are very pretty! another color challenge - do you have to make certain blocks or up to you?

  6. Love your scrappy block!! I was lucky to have two yellows in my stash - definitely not a color I'm drawn to!! This will be a fun challenge and I'm looking forward to the final result!!

  7. Butter makes such a nice background for so many things. It's one of my favorite Konas. Pretty block!
