Wednesday, January 29, 2020

I Like Thursday #171 - Whoop whoop!

I always enjoy reading the Friday post, "Can I get a whoop whoop!" at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.  I rarely have a perfectly timed Friday finish to share, but it's fun and inspiring to read about lots of others!

But I'm whooping today because I finally finished machine quilting my Tiny Tuesday quilt top.  Whoop whoop!  My To-Do Tuesday friends will know this is a big deal because it's been on my list every week for this whole month.  Now to make the binding and get it sewn on for hand-stitching.  Hopefully this afternoon!

Gray thread on a gray background means you can't even tell it is quilted,
but I assure you it is!  :)

I also have two of the four embroidery blocks finished for my blue and white quilt.  I love how this is looking!

I have always loved collecting shells, stones, and sea glass when we visit the beach, and I have all kinds of bowls and containers full of my treasures scattered around our house.   So, it was fun to come across this book at our library the other day, and I'm enjoying reading it.

It's about several artisans who live on the islands along  the coast of Maine who make all kinds of jewelry and art with the sea glass they collect.

I loved this photo of the family with handfuls of sea glass!

Here is my tiny collection!  :)

Small, but treasured!

This week, I'm also enjoying this book, and I keep recommending it to everyone!

Something I love about historical fiction is that you learn a lot about the setting and time period of the story as you read, and with this book I'm learning a lot because I knew very little about Cuba before I started it.

Hope you're having a great week!  I'm joining in with LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for "I Like Thursday!"


  1. You get a Whoop! Whoop! out of me!!! Congratulations on your TT finish! Love sea glass too and your collection is beautiful.

  2. Yay for your quilty finish. Enjoy that final binding step. Personally, binding is one of my favourite steps of the project. Oooh I love sea glass too. Your green collection is beautiful. We don’t see much green here on our coast (southern NSW Australia) but do find a lot of amber glass.

  3. Good Morning Diann! Oh, that collection of sea glass. You have some gorgeous green pieces!! I've always wanted to make time to go and collect some but it just hasn't happened yet. Maybe this summer I can take the littles down to the beach and we can spot some. Congrats on your fabulous finish of Tiny Tuesday! It sure looks fabulous. Are you stitching with gray for the binding? Your blue and white blocks are coming together so nicely. How many embroidery blocks are there? Happy Thursday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Wonderful quilting finish--not to mention those gorgeous blocks;)))
    I have a lot of sea glass that my Mom and I collected on our beach walks over the years...just love it...hugs, Julierose

  5. Congrats on Tiny Tuesday! Makes me want to start one. :) I love sea glass and used to want to make a quilt using all those colors and call it Sea Glass. Maybe someday.

  6. great finish - I just put that book on hold from the library. I can only have five books on hold and I have reached the limit - I wish people read faster :)
    Sea Glass is so pretty!

  7. I am excited for you whoop whoop 🙌. I have never seen sea glass when at the beach. You have a very vibrant green there.

  8. I'm whooping it up with you over the TT quilt - yay! In Minnesota, some of us call sea glass "fairy tears". We have a small collection from our pickings on the shares of Lake Superior. I've got to put that book on my list!

  9. Your rainbow quilt is gorgeous! Definitely needs a whoop whoop! And I love seeing the progress on your blue blocks, they're so pretty!

  10. Awesome finish. The blue blocks are perking right along. The seaglass is lovely.

  11. Your quilt looks terrific! I love the gray background. Your blue blocks are pretty. Ah, sea glass. I tend towards seashells, but I have a friend that's amazing at finding glass at the beach.

  12. My younger daughter collected sea glass and has several jars of them. Your Tiny Tuesday quilt is gorgeous of course...and your blue and white blocks are so pretty.

  13. I too love historical fiction. I will have to check out the book you are reading. I am currently reading Mutany on the Bounty which is a true historical story.

    You should do a whoop whoop dance over that gorgeous finish! True that I cannot see the quilting, but I believe you.

  14. Congrats on quilting that sweet Tiny Tuesday quilt. It’s so colorful. I need to find that book taking place in Cuba-it sounds interesting.

  15. Yay you!!! that is a huge thing to be happy about!!!!

  16. I'm so in love with your projects! Congrats on getting the Tiny Tuesday quilted! It's one of my favorites! I love sea glass too. Whenever we go to the ocean, I'm always looking for pieces. Have a wonderful week!

  17. I have a necklace pendant from Maine that I just love. Must remember to wear it more often.

  18. how I love seaglass... the gentleness of it, polished by nature and yet the color still softly glows. You give the best book recommendations.

  19. You know, you could find more sea glass if you just move to Oregon!

  20. Joining you from LeeAnna's linky party this week! Congrats on machine quilting your quilt top! I am always looking for great historical fiction; thanks for the tip. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
