Wednesday, November 6, 2019

I Like Thursday #159 - birds, a book, and a siesta

I decided to look up the definition of the word siesta this morning, and here's what I found:

"An afternoon rest or nap, especially one taken in the hottest hours of the day in a hot climate."

Lol!  If only that were my view!

I don't live in a hot climate,  but I sure do enjoy an afternoon siesta anyway, especially when wrapped in a quilt.  We try to get our housework or yardwork or errands done by about 2:00 in the afternoon so that we can relax, read, chat, maybe even nap a little, and watch the birds in our yard and at the feeders.  It is a lovely benefit of retirement!

Earlier this week, I think we counted at least 7 different kinds of birds in the yard throughout the afternoon - chickadees, finches, blue jays, goldfinches, nuthatches, flickers, downy woodpeckers.  I'm probably even forgetting some at this point.  Watching them gives us great pleasure!

While visiting my mom in Arizona couple weeks ago, we were able to go for a walk at a favorite place in the city of Gilbert called the Riparian Preserve.  Wonderful birdwatching opportunities there!

We saw both snowy egrets and great egrets - beautiful birds!

Back home I am liking sewing the binding on my Almost Amish quilt.  I listed this as a goal on my To-Do Tuesday post, and it's almost done!

I have to say how much I like our blogging community!  Every day I get inspiration for quilting and other crafts, plus meals and books, and who knows what all!

Thank you, Wendy, for the Sheet Pan dinners idea!  Although I ended up making my own combination of ingredients, I did google "sheet pan dinners" and came up with lots of yummy possibilities.  Here's one link:  25 Super Easy Sheet Pan Dinners.

And a few weeks ago, Colette shared a book I was intrigued with, so I checked it out from our library.  Retired elementary school teachers never lose their love for children's books!

Besides being about a thoughtful topic - the loss of nature words from children's vocabularies these days - the book has beautiful artwork and is written in poetry.  

I am reading aloud to a 3rd grade class next week, and I'm going to take this book with me.  Thank you, Colette!

And, of course, a big Thank You! to LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for hosting all of us here on Thursdays!  


  1. Afternoon siestas are the best! Nice place to walk hugs, Julierose

  2. Great likes! I love the book Collette shared with us too and told my nieces and nephews (elementary teachers) about the book too! Your almost Amish quilt looks FANTASTIC! Naps are part of our afternoon ritual here too. We love them--but still go to bed early each night! Have a wonderful week!

  3. Isn't that book awesome. I bought it for one of my grandsons for Christmas. Your quilt is great. I agree siestas are awesome. I kind of work that way too, chores, to do list then an afternoon nap.

  4. Hi Diann! I was very intrigued by The Lost Words book that Colette shared as well. My library didn't have it unfortunately but my sister's library did. I'm going to be reading it soon as I see her this weekend. It looks like a lovely book to read to third grade students. I was also intrigued when Wendy shared the sheet pan dinner idea. Thanks for the link to some recipes for ideas. I love the photo of the birdies eating - the one upside down just cracks me up. Happy Thursday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. I wish I could nap at times but I really and truly have such a sleep disorder than I don't ever take a nap - I will look for the book you mention

  6. Naps are good. I have a routine of getting all the chores done before lunch and then a nap after. I noticed that book also-it looks interesting but kinda sad that we are losing some words in our culture. Pretty quilt!

  7. That picture of the birds at your feeder is fantastic! I'm not usually able to get pics of mine, I think I startle them by coming up with the camera. And how cool that you're going to read the lost words books to school kids! It makes me so happy that our blogging community can share good things with one another- a couple of weeks ago I discovered a fun new author from one of the I like thursday posts and her books given me lots of fun background listening while I sew and knit!

  8. I should get back to feeding the birds, but the squirrels and the deer are deterrents (well and having to go out in the cold to refill the feeders. We don't seem to have the great variety of birds that you and others have highlighted. It has turned sharply colder here and alas all my outdoor chores did not get done. I think I'll get that nature words book for the grandsons for Christmas.

  9. Yesterday while we were at anchor, the river was running pretty high and full of lots of floating logs. At one point, there were at least four herons (both blue and white) slowly riding those logs past us. So fun!!

  10. Afternoon siestas are great - especially in warm sunshine, but I'll take my easy chair and a quilt anyday. Glad you are enjoying the sheet pan fun! You have some fun likes listed today :-)

  11. adorable little birds. Some kind of nuthatch? They're not something I see around here. I like the colors on our quilt. Otter is a lost word?!? but they're so cool!

  12. siestas... how civilized! And someone to share them with. It's nice to turn off the to do list and just be. I wish we had songbirds... we have pigeons here. Haven't tried a one pan dinner but it's the kind of thing I love. I enjoy children's books too, and get lots of regular novel suggestions from the smart women on this list!

  13. Oh how I wish I could nap, Diann. There are some times I really could use one. But enjoy and yes you earned it!
    We have the very same birds as our regulars here which is interesting. The hummingbirds have disappeared south. I'm still perplexed why some of those words were dropped.
    I enjoyed seeing your sewing room in the last post...and spying the penguins in your header.

  14. Siestas sound wonderful! I love all the birds at your feeder. Your Amish quilt looks beautiful. I always love the look of solids. I have to check out that book. Looks so interesting!

  15. My husband and I do the same thing in getting things done by 2:00. (Sometimes it's earlier than that!) We haven't sat much on our deck in the afternoons, but I'm going to start doing that.
    What kind of block do you have in your bird feeder? I bought one but the birdies don't seem very interested in it. We have lots of cardinals and a few doves, plus some smaller birds that I don't recognize, maybe sparrows? I need to buy a bird book!
