Monday, November 4, 2019

To - Do Tuesday #11

I realized recently that it's been good for me to join in on To-Do Tuesday for the last couple months, if only to hold myself accountable for getting a few things accomplished each week.

Last Tuesday I wrote that my sewing room, and cutting table especially, needed some cleaning up, and I managed to finally (make myself) do just that on Sunday afternoon.

That felt good!  There are piles of blocks to be sewn next to the sewing machine, but at least they are now organized and ready, and the leftover bits and pieces are put back where they belong.

In other To-Dos for the week, I also finished up my October Tiny Tuesday blocks.

Unfortunately, some of the sashings have to be redone in order to turn a couple blocks on point since I changed my mind about the final layout.  But that's an easy thing to do!

I also got Almost Amish layered and spray basted.

I needed to piece together some batting scraps for this, and used a combination of fusible batting tape and then some fusible interfacing after I ran out of the tape.  It worked great, too!  Here's a helpful tutorial from Debbie at A Quilter's Table for using the interfacing when piecing batting.

Quilting was started, too!

My hand-pieced pumpkin project was aldo finished last week.  You can see more details about it in this post.

This week's list:

1.  Finish Almost Amish - quilting and binding.

2. Continue working on the layout for the Tiny Tuesday quilt.

3.  Make a little progress on an older Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt project that needs to be "re-imagined!"

4.  Finish my book club book for the discussion next Monday afternoon.  This month's choice has been a bit of a challenge for me - The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life, by David Brooks.  I'm more of a murder mystery or historical fiction reader, so when something out of my comfort reading zone is chosen by one of our book club members, I have to push myself a little harder.  That's okay, though - it's good for my brain - and I know we'll have an interesting discussion! 

Joining in at Home Sewn by Us for To-Do Tuesday!


  1. sometimes it helps to make a list and say ok I'm doing this on Tuesday - and hope nothing comes up to interrupt your time!

  2. Hi Diann! I am so glad you are finding the weekly lists helpful. I know I sure do! It isn't a big deal if you don't get something done on the list - it's more of a focus of what do I need to work on. Thanks for the link to the article about interfacing/batting. I have oodles of scraps that aren't quite bit enough - every time! Thanks for linking up this week - see you on Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. You have a good list of projects, Diann. I need to use Debbie's tutorial for some frankenbatting. I have a pile of it. That book should produce some lively discussion; I agree with you, though -- I like to read the same type of books as you!

  4. I picked up the sewing room before our Minnesota trip, but then came home and dumped everything. LOL! Now I need to reoraganize as I am running out of storage!

  5. I had forgotten your sewing room has a fireplace - how cozy. Isn't it amazing how inspired we get once our rooms are cleaned up!

  6. I joined in for Tuesday to do about three weeks ago. It does help me focus on just a few tasks for the week. Congrats on progress on your list.
