Wednesday, April 3, 2019

I Like Thursday #128 - Welcome, April!

It's already April - does that mean 2019 is going to fly by?  I think it does!  I like April - but in Colorado it goes something like this -

I love my new Starbucks cup!  Perfect for a quilter, don't you think?!

I'm liking this book this week - it's the April selection for my book club's discussion.

I like to read memoirs, and this one is interesting because Jackie Speier worked for California Congressman Leo Ryan in the late 70s when he went to Guyana to investigate Jim Jones' cult there.   This book should make for a good discussion!   Book club is at my house next Monday - I guess I'd better get started cleaning for it!

I like this quilt that I finished back in 2015.

It came to mind because of Bernie's (Needle and Foot) post this week about sharing your quilting blunders and mistakes.  Even though this is a beautiful quilt, and I love how it turned out, it was not the design I originally set out to make!  You can read my original post about it HERE!

I'm excited to join in the Beothuk Star QAL with Sandra at mmmquilts this month!  She posted the introduction to it yesterday.  I'm excited to quilt along since I haven't done one of Sandra's before.   Here's my fabric pull for it.

I won this bundle of Printology by Benartex in a giveaway last year, and haven't done anything with it.  I bought some yardage of Kona Butter for the background.  It will be fun to see it come together in Sandra's interesting star pattern!

I loved this cartoon I saw the other day!  It's really true - little things can make you ridiculously happy sometimes!

Hope you're having a great week!   I'm joining in with all the "I Like Thursday" bloggers at Not Afraid of Color.  


  1. April is going to fly away fast just as the previous months have! time goes too fast. Love your quilt and the fabric you show and will be interested to see what you make. I had not read the book but of course remember the incident well - it was shocking at that time - don't know if it would be now but back then it was.

  2. Your quilt is fabulous and so is your fabric! Your meme at the top made me laughout loud! Have a great day!

  3. Ha ha! That cartoon is soooooo true!! Have a great week, Diann!

  4. Love your new cup! Your blunder quilt is fabulous. Love it when a mistake was maybe meant to be. The weird things are the things I call simple pleasures.

  5. That book sounds really interesting. I also like reading memoirs so I'm going to add it to want to read list. Cute coffee cup! According to my clock here, spring is going to start for you in just 10 minutes ;) Happy Spring! Happy Thursday!

  6. Good Morning! Could post that sign here except it would say "Welcome to New England." April is a month that cannot make up its mind. That quilt looks perfect just as it is. I have one I recently sewed that did not look like the layout in the book. I should share it. That QAL looks like fun. I have fabric. I may try to sew along, but my spring sewing dance card is very full. So Many Quilt: Sew Little Time. Thanks for sharing on I like Thursday ... :) Pat

  7. Great likes, Diann. I love getting a new cup and yours is so pretty. Funny you should mention that book...I just watched a return to Jonestown kind of documentary. Fascinating and tragic. Should be good for discussion.
    I love your quilt! And the poster is totally true...every single thing.

  8. I was in CO in April many years ago, and it was spring when I arrived and snowing that afternoon!
    Oh how I love Starbucks cups - that is a pretty one. I am a sucker for cups and mugs.
    I am joining Sandra's QAL also but haven't chosen fabrics. I love your pull!
    I laughed out loud (startling my husband at 7am!) at the things that make us happy - lol!

  9. LOL your Colorado sign could have been Michigan too last week. 63 in the morning, snow overnight an we haven't warmed up much since. The comic is awesome. Love your "old" quilt. Now I need to go see Sandra's QAL.
