Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I Like Thursday #97 - This and That

Happy Thursday, friends!  As always, I'm joining in with the weekly celebration of the things we've found to like throughout the week.  Thanks for visiting, and be sure to check out the other Thursday bloggers who are all linked up over at LeeAnna's place, Not Afraid of Color.

My sewing room really needed a cleaning, so I made myself spend some time on that earlier this week.

Of course, you know how that goes - it gets worse before it gets better!

But I really like the results!

I have enjoyed hand stitching on this little piece of Kenyan fabric that Cathy sent me.  I finished it up this week!

I just used colors of embroidery floss that matched the design and stitched here and there to add some texture.

I like this orange Fiesta Ware cup and saucer with it!

I love having fresh tomatoes right off my own plant to eat for lunch or dinner!

We splurged and made BLT sandwiches the day I picked these.  Yummy!

I enjoyed a night out at the local dinner theater with friends last Friday.  Lots of laughter, good music, and a favorite show - one of my favorite things to do!

Grease is the word!

Hope you're having a great week!  I'm going to enjoy visiting with my I Like Thursday friends - see you there!


  1. A fresh and neat sewing space is so inspiring. My problem becomes all the new ideas that are spawned when putting fabric back on the shelf!

  2. Love all your likes, from a clean sewing space (wanna come and work on mine next?!) to your own homegrown tomatoes (ate twice off my plant yesterday!) to Grease. I need to get to some live theatre asap. Missed our Folk Fest this year, and I'm feeling starved for live music/theatre!

  3. yes a clean sewing room takes time doesn't it but so nice to enjoy when it is done - I love that cutting mat and have thought of getting one I thought the darker squares in the middle would come in handy - what do you think - do you find that so?

  4. Love me some musical theater! And, those tomatoes look so good. Nothing like home grown. That fall mug rug turned out nice. Enjoy!

  5. I feel more creative with a clean sewing space, where I can find everything without searching for anything. Sounds like you had a good week and topped it off with friends at the theater. Fun, fun!

  6. Yay for clean sewing space. I love your mug rug. I've been enjoying local tomatoes, too.

  7. Your stitching is beautiful. Home grown tomatoes are always the best.

  8. warm tomatoes off your own plant... the best

  9. Hi Diann! Grease is the word - LOVE it. I would have been singing along with every song. Your sewing table looks fabulous - great job and a nice accomplishment. Oh, and tomatoes - yum, yum, YUM. We're enjoying ours now too. ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. Your sewing room is neat! Ready for new projects ;) I love the way your add just few stitches in this gorgeous fabric, and turning it into a beautiful placemat, great inspiration!

  11. I love theater and music and going out with friends! Sounds like such fun! And so cool that you cleaned up your sewing room. I feel like it's a never ending cycle with me.... And the amount of stuff, dirt, grass, who knows what, that accumulates on the floor is astonishing....

  12. Great likes! I love what you did with that fabric, such a cool look! It looks PERFECT with your fiesta ware! Have a wonderful week! Hugs!

  13. Sounds like you had an excellant week. Starting the holiday weekend with a clean sewing room is always nice.

  14. I am jealous of the fresh tomatoes … maybe I should go to the farmers' market before they close up shop for the summer. And the creativity of the Grease poster captivated me!
