Friday, March 17, 2017

Maple Leaves and Nines

A little bit of red sewing has been going on in my studio this week.  I made a red maple leaf and a red nine patch to add to my collection of 6.5 inch blocks.  Red is definitely one of my favorite colors!

I've made four different red 6.5 blocks this month - can you tell what my current favorite red scraps are? :) (And that fabric is almost gone - sigh...)

Here's how the maple leaves and nine patches are looking all together.

Although I don't yet have any big plans for these blocks, I'm starting to think that these blocks will go together in one quilt, and I'll be doing other things with the bow ties and the crumb blocks.  After having some quilting deadlines the last couple of weeks, it's just fun to play!

Sharing over at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday!


  1. Ooh, I really like how the maple leaves and 9Ps work together! Don't stop.

  2. The maple leaves and the 9 patches do look really good together. Happy stitching this weekend.

  3. I sure love those maple leaf blocks, and especially together with the 9-patches. It's going to be a darling quilt! keep up your lovely work!!

  4. yep, I think one quilt will showcase both blocks!

  5. Those 2 blocks do look really good together and would make a nice quilt. Let's hear it for using up that fabric!

  6. Don't you hate using up the last bit of some fabrics? Saying goodbye is sometimes difficult. .

    Play is good...

  7. I'm always a sucker for maple leaf blocks. Yours are so pretty. Have a great week.

  8. Easy to see your favourite red fabric. The maple leaves and 9 patches will make a wonderful quilt. Always good to find time to play.

  9. Mapel Leaves and Nine Patchs, your blocks are looking so good together. Happy Quilting Day!

  10. So pretty! I think that is my favorite fabric too! I love how everything is coming together!!!

  11. Oh I like how they all look together!!
    I know how you feel about a fave fabric being almost gone. ;) Love the reds.

  12. Ugh!! Quilting to deadlines is NO FUN!! Glad to got to do something different this week.

  13. I understand why it is your favorite fabric. I love it too. The Maple blocks and 9-Patch play so well together. It will be an interesting and beautiful quilt for sure. Play on! ;^)

  14. You're blocks all look great!! I love seeing your progress.

  15. Great idea to combine the blocks. The fabric is so colorful, very autumn. Keep up the good work!

  16. Very pretty! I joined the RSC this year for the same reason. It's great to just enjoy the journey, isn't it?

  17. Your blocks look great together! (And I love that red and gold flower fabric!!!)

  18. Great set of red block this week.
