Sunday, March 19, 2017

A Little Progress and Some Paper Plate Projects

I have become one of those quilters who always has about four different projects going at once.  This doesn't work for everyone, but it does for me, because I work on different things depending on what I'm in the mood for!

This week I decided it was time to finish up the last border around the outside of my Scrap Jar Stars quilt, which was started as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project last year.

The outer borders are made of 2 1/2 inch strips of Kona white, and lots of scrappy 2 inch squares in a rainbow of colors.

After all the bits and pieces are cut, I have to lay them out to make sure I have a good mix of colors and contrast with the fabrics of the first border and the stars.

Once that's figured out, I can sew up the border and attach it to the quilt.  There are three sides left to do.

Meanwhile, there are other ongoing projects that have to be tidied up and set aside to make room for this one.  Not long ago, I figured out that it would be convenient to pile up their components onto paper plates so that I could easily get them out of the way, but also find them again easily.  (I know there are other quilters out there who use plates like this to help with organization, and I'm sure I read about this on someone else's blog.  I appreciate the inspiration I get from bloggers everywhere, in so many ways!)

You can see this year's RSC projects there - string blocks and 6 inch blocks.  Plus I have a pile of fabric for my Improv Sampler, and then the plate full of pieces for the Scrap Jar Stars quilt.  Depending on what I want to work on at any point in time, they can be easily stacked up and set aside without taking up too much room!

While I am by no means an organizational expert, this has been working really well for me!  Now it's time to get back to my SJS border!

Sharing over at Oh Scrap! at Quilting is More Fun than Housework.


  1. That border is beautiful. The planning that must go into the blocks is unbelievable. Can't wait to see the finish.

  2. I work on several things at once too, it is nice to choose what you want to do and when.

  3. Hi! Your border is fantastic and this quilt will be so beautiful! I like white for background to show the fabrics and colours. I think you are very well organized and the idea to use paper plates is good! x Teje

  4. your border is looking great! well worth the extra time and effort it takes to line up all those squares and colors.... I also use the paper plate stacks. I like to organize/sort all my blocks that I'm going to be piecing, and then when I'm ready I can just sit down and sew with no tedious counting or thinking... just mindless, relaxing piecing.

  5. I love the way your border continues the design. I often think of doing things like that, then usually opt for the easiest way to finish ;-( I don't think my piles would fit on a plate!

  6. A kindred spirit you are! I like having several projects going on at once too. I like your system!

  7. Great choice of border for your quilt. Soon it will be ready for quilting. The plates are a great idea. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  8. Scrap Jar Stars will be a wonderful quilt, love the way you are making the borders. Love the idea of using paper plates to organize several projects. Have a great week. Hugs

  9. I can't WAIT to see how your SJS will turn out!! Makes me want to hurry ahead on the one I'm making for RSC17.

  10. Loving your border! Looking forward to seeing it all finished... no pressure!

  11. Oh I think I may just have to copy the idea of paper plate piling. Good progress with your border.

  12. Oh so many projects, not enough time is soooo true!! I always have fun checking out your progress, and perhaps additions, to the list of things in progress:)

  13. The scrap border is just perfect! I love the paper plate organisation too... great idea! Christine x

  14. Love your scrap border! What a great tip about paper plates.

  15. Your scrappy border is looking great! Looks like a finished flimsy is just around the corner there. The paper plate organization system looks pretty cool. It really helps to have some way to keep all the bits and pieces together when working on multiple projects.
