Saturday, August 10, 2024

Slow stitching this week...

I guess it worked to stitch the August Woven Wreath sun design in cool blue because we ended up with three days this week in the 60s and lots of rain!  What a change from weeks of hot, dry 90s.  I have even had to wear a sweatshirt!  

My other monthly project is the Year of Hearts from Melisa at PinkernPunkin Quilting.  I finished up the July heart just the other day.  Here they all are - there are eight because of the bonus heart Melisa gave us in June.  

It's time to stitch the August heart, which is sunflowers.  I love sunflowers!  I'm always trying to grow them, but not always successful in that endeavor.  But at least I can stitch them!

Sharing at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.



  1. Sunflowers are a popular theme for this time of year. So pretty! Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. Diann, I love your blue sun! And your hearts are so cute. My attempts to grow sunflowers tend to fizzle. I guess I need another technique!

  3. Oh, gosh, if that works to cool down this heat, then stitch more!!

  4. Glad you are getting cooler temps and rain in your "false fall"! Love that pretty blue sun.

  5. Sunflowers are so cheerful! We are also getting cooler weather. It feels good after all the humidity.

  6. Those sunflowers are pretty! I need to pop paper into my printer and print off my missing hearts. Love how your's are looking.

  7. Sunflowers are such happy flowers, they are one of my favorites. Enjoy the cooler weather and your stitching time this weekend.

  8. You are not alone in those cooler temps, I'll talk more on my blog Monday. Brrr!

  9. Hooray for cooler temperatures and rain! I too love sunflowers as they are such bright flowers which make me smile. Love your slow stitching projects and progress. Melisa's hearts are so sweet!

  10. love the real sunflowers and the ones you are about to start stitching look great too. Three days in the 60's sound wonderful to me

  11. It really has been cooler! I put on long pants several mornings. Mr Busy refuses to give up his shorts! Silly guy! Your blue sun is beautiful. There are lots of stitches in that one. I'm plugging away!! Good luck on your Sunflower Hearts! Love the sunflowers on your table..So Cheery!!

  12. What a jolly sun wreath even though it is in a cooler colour. xx

  13. Hi Diann, those are so cute! Take care.

  14. I love that August sun embroidery. It makes me smile. Your heart stitchery is looking so pretty. I have never tried to grow sunflowers.

  15. THe sunflower heart is going to be so cute, Diann. I'm happy to here you got rain. Hope that helps with the fire threats.

  16. Diann - thanks so much for visiting my blog!

    I have a drawing for every month of the year, which I put up on the bookshelf. I think the embroidered hearts would be an adorable substitute or addition to that!

    Enjoy the rest of August!

  17. Your Kathy Schmitz piece is so gorgeous, Diann. Love the Sun's sweet smile. It is so nice to hear that the weather has cooled a bit. Our week is supposed to cool down as well. It is exciting to see your Year in Hearts blocks. They look fabulous. Thank you so much for stitching along with me. Hugs.
