Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Midweek Update

Do you sew with leaders and enders?  I often use some form of them when making quilt blocks - either pieces and parts of other quilt blocks or simple four patches.  I am always fascinated by Bonnie Hunter's leader/ender challenges, and have participated once before.  Easy Breezy was her 2020-2021 leader/ender, and I finished this little quilt in early 2022.

When I saw Bonnie's newest leader/ender announcement the other day, I really liked the block and thought it would be fun to try.  This one is called County Clare and is inspired by her recent trip to Ireland.  So the other day, I started cutting and organizing pieces just to see how the block went together.

Lots of little pieces!  Of course, I have plenty of those...

Those four sections make a 6 inch block!  So very Bonnie Hunter!

But why not give them a try?  I decided that every so often, I'll cut a few pieces for a block, and stitch up one small section at a time.  I've dedicated the little heart dish that sits on my sewing table as the place to throw those pieces.

One little block at a time, I'll build a quilt!  The quarter block was sewn in between sections of a zipper block yesterday.  That worked pretty well!

There are more pieces cut to be sewn up, so back to the sewing machine! 

Sharing at Quiltfabrication for Midweek Makers!
Finished or Not Friday at Alycia Quilts.


  1. Sewing with leaders and enders has been a game changer for me. I like this year's as well, although I have another one I'm trying to finish first 😊

  2. I saw Bonnie’s challenge for this year but I didn’t realize that they are 6” blocks. This will use up lots of scraps! Such a pretty colour combination. Gail at the cozy quilter.

  3. County Clare is intriguing to me too and yours is coming right along. L&E is a natural way for me to get a COUPLE of things sewn at once. Not to mention no more thread nests! If I jump on board with County Clare, I may use different colors than blue & green. Will be checking out my scraps bins are the fullest!

  4. Your scrappy L/E quilt is adorable and love the blues and greens in the new L/E block for this year.

  5. I tried leader and enders several times and I seem to forget to use them! Those are tiny pieces and a great way to use more small scraps.

  6. I saw Bonnie's new L/E the other day also. I've always wanted to try such a project but never seemed to get organized enough to do it. I look forward to watching yours grow.

  7. Sounds like a fabulous idea! Love the first scrappy colors!

  8. I totally understand the concept of L/E though I usually get impatient and crank out a lot of units. I save all the annual challenges because, as you say, "so Bonnie Hunter," and I love the super-scrappiness. You have a nice setup!

  9. I tend to chain piece a lot and forget about leaders/enders I really should try it more and use more scraps up

  10. OOh, I like Bonnie's block and your colors.

  11. Great idea! I’ve been looking at the new Leader and Ender block too! I will probably cut some and see how it goes! Thanks for showing yours!

  12. I don't typically sew with leaders and enders, just keep going with the next round of pieces in the current project. I like that block tho. Looks fun!

  13. I've heard of leaders and enders a lot, but I really don't know what that means.

  14. That's a sweet little block. I admire you for working with those little pieces. :D Saving pieces in a heart shaped dish just makes it more fun. ;)

  15. Oh, no! Not you too? I'm trying so hard to resist! I always have something to sew beside my sewing machine (not in a so-cute-heart-shape-bowl but in an ugly plastic container)(works fine anyway). I rarely cut my threat; there's always something to push under the needle, usually 9-patch blocks. But I love Bonnie's new challenge. I love a blue and green quilt. Now, all you people will be showing the progress made on your blue and green quilts. How can I resist?
    P.S. Your Easy Breezy is so sweet.
    P.P.S. Your sewing area is too clean. Please mess it up a little bit so I don't feel so ashamed about mine. Lol.
    Enjoy! ;^)

  16. I do love tiny pieces. I am a huge Bonnie Hunter fan. I just don't need a new project right now. Enjoying the progress of others is almost as much fun as making some yourself. Enjoy the new leaders and enders, they are beautiful!

  17. Those County Clare blocks will make a very fun scrappy quilt. I can't sew without leaders and enders, it's just how things work in my sewing room these days.
