Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Midweek Update

The other day, Melva released the next block for her Pieces of My Life QAL, and it is a spool block.  So appropriate because our memory prompt is about our wedding dresses!  I really enjoyed making this block - it's a spool block version that I haven't made before.  

My mom made my dress, as well as my sisters' dresses - she probably even made her own dress for the wedding.  Back then, my mom could (and did) sew just about anything!  I wanted something very simple - there are no sparkly things on my dress, no train, it's very simple.  I loved it then and still do.  

I love this picture because of the look on her face!  
Also, notice her wrist pincushion - such a classic tool for seamstresses.

My sisters' dresses were a very 70s color - what would you call it?  Dusty Rose, maybe?

While I don't know what my sisters have done with their dresses from my wedding, 
mine is still hanging in my closet!  I've never been sure what to do with it, although I flirted with the idea of using a piece of it in this quilt block. 
But in the end, I just couldn't cut into it!

I have also gotten quite a bit of quilting done on the first section of this quilt, and I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out.  I find myself thinking I will do one type of design in a section, and ending up doing something completely different.  Hopefully, in the end, it will all mesh together!

Sharing at Quiltfabrication for Midweek Makers and 
Melva Loves Scraps for the spool block linkup.


  1. Not only do I love seeing your blocks, Diann, but I love hearing your heart warming stories and seeing your photos. These are fabulous of you and your mom and sisters. I don't think I could cut my dress either. I am fascinated by your quilt as you go. Your quilt is looking fabulous!

  2. What a pretty dress, and your sisters' dresses are lovely too. What is the fabric of your dress? I have decided to cut into my dress and maybe do some purses or maybe a few mini quilts to give as gifts to the girls of the family. Looks like your quilting is going well!

  3. I really like that spool block. I haven't seen that before. I always enjoy your old photos. They are such fun.

  4. What do you think so far of the quilt as you go method? I did one bed quilt years ago using that. It turned out pretty good. My wedding dress is hanging in the closet too and don't know what to do with it either!

  5. Ah, the wedding dresses of our day -- simple and modest. I still have mine ($125, purchased during my lunch hour, no alterations needed). Your QAL blocks look great.

  6. Your spool looks wonderful. 😍 My mom made all of the dresses four our wedding as well. The 2 bridesmaids, candle lighters and her dress. I guess I should mention that in my memory book. 😊 Thanks for linking up!

  7. Such sweet memories these blocks are bringing back. I too love the look on your mother's face in the picture. I'm sure she was very proud of her daughters -- I'm amazed that she made all the dresses. My mother couldn't even hem pants let alone sew a dress! Lol!

  8. Another sweet memory, Diann. I appreciate that you share. How special to have your wedding dress made by your mom. I wouldn't be able to cut into either. That spool block design is very interesting, not like any I've seen before either.

  9. I always wonder why bother to save a dress for so many years - it hangs in the closet in a bag and it was worn for such a little while - but still my little mini is in closet under a bag. I admire those that can make dresses like that for weddings but it is something I refuse to undertake

  10. What fun memories!!! and your dress is just perfect - so special that your mom made it!! Your sisters are beautiful - and yep - I think that color would be Dusty rose ;)

  11. I made my wedding dress and the Maid of Honor's and 2 Bridesmaids dresses back in 1970. Just simple dresses, no fancy frills. My wedding dress disappeared (long story) so I don't have to worry what to do with it. Reading your post reminded me of a book I read a few years ago,set during WWII. Brides at the time couldn't get dresses made, so the community began a collection drive of wedding dresses so the local bride's could have a proper wedding dress. Don't remember the name of the book, but it was an interesting read.

  12. Such a fun memory of your mom and your dress. I purchased my dress. It had very puffy sleeves and I felt beautiful in it. Nice spool block! Gail at the cozy quilter

  13. Simple can also be very elegant, Diann! Thank you for sharing your beautiful wedding photos! :)

  14. Very fun wedding photos. I wanted to make my own wedding dress, My Guy very wisely suggested otherwise. Your quilting is looking good. Happy stitching this week.
