Wednesday, July 24, 2024

I Like Thursday #398

Good morning?  How's your week going?  It seems like life has been busy around here, but can I tell you what we've been doing? 🤷  

I did make a batch of refrigerator dill pickles out of some of my cucumbers - recipe here.


I received this cute card in the mail from Sally - thank you, Sally!

And enjoyed playing in my aqua scraps to try out a Double Friendship Star.  Just auditioning it, I guess, for a possible new Rainbow Scrap Challenge project.  I like this star, but it's a little bit under-sized.  I think the directions (from Quilter's Cache) call for a scant quarter inch seam, and I find that concept a little challenging!

My brother and SIL have been visiting this week, and it has been great to spend time with them!  Silly me, I did not take a single photo to share!  They currently live in San Luis Obispo, California, but my brother is ready to retire, so they are on an epic road trip, checking out possible locations to retire in so that they can be closer to family out here.

And that brings me to LeeAnna's question of the week - do you like road trips in the summer?  We do like road trips, and have done many over the years.  But the one that always comes to mind is one we took in 1993, when our boys were 13 and 10 - all the way to Washington, DC.  We planned out stops about every half-day along the way that took us to the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, we put our toes in the Mississippi River, visited the Corvette factory in Kentucky, and spent several days in DC.  It was quite the trip!  This picture frame is still on display in our living room.

Have a great Thursday, everyone!
Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.


  1. Road trips have been a mainstay of our vacations too. We love seeing interesting places along the way. Double friendship star blocks would make a fun RSC project.

  2. Those pickles look yummy. I forgot, did you plant regular cucumbers size or small ones? I like that star, but the "scant quarter inch" always scares me - lol! Do you brother and SIL like Colorado? How fun to pick a new place to live! I guess our vacays count as road trips. I've had some good ones, both with my folks as well as with my family. I've always planned them out just like you did. Planning was part of the fun of the trip for me.

  3. Mmmm refrigerator pickles! Delicious! What a wonderful trip and memory of it. I bet the boys loved the Corvette factory!

  4. Just the thought of those dill pickles made my mouth water. Cute card you received from your friend. Will the Double Friendship Star replace the zipper blocks for your RSC? Love your road trip story, what a special memory.

  5. The double friendship star tuned out nicely. But if it's not fun to make then another choice for the RSC block would be wise. I haven't decided if I'm going to start a new RSC since Wild and Goosey isn't finished yet. My mother hated road trips, so we did very few. We've done a few as a family, but My Guy hates to drive, so we usually end up flying.

  6. I have forgotten about refrigerator pickles - I need to make some sometime. that would be nice for you if your brother moved to your area. We always took road trip vacations and covered so much territory and saw so much

  7. How lovely that your brother is moving closer!

  8. Your cucumber pickles remind me of my mom! She made them a lot! Glad you enjoyed your visit with your brother and SIL. Hope they find a place closer to the rest of you! We took mostly trip to eastern South Dakota to visit cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents. Several camping trips to Yellowstone National Park.
    I wish my kids had been able to see DC as children. They have now as grown ups, but by air not in a car! 😁

  9. Those dill pickles look good. I thought you'd like that card. ;-) I like the star - pretty colors.

  10. Refrigerator pickles sounds delish! Your star block looks amazing. I struggle with the " scant" too. I have been searching for a new project to work on as well. Such sweet photos of past road trips. I grew up taking long road trips .Lots of fun family memories have been made over the years. Have a wonderful evening. Hugs

  11. Our family took 3-week vacation trips when I was a kid. As retirees we tend to take short driving trips, but fly if it's more than a day away.

  12. "Scant quarter inch" is best handled by putting your ruler line ON the edge of the fabric when cutting instead of butting it up to the edge. Maybe I'll do a post demonstrating that!
