Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I Like Thursday #397

So, apparently, I can grow cucumbers!

And the cherry tomatoes are coming along, too.   Yum to both of these! ⬆️⬇️

We also tried a little baking experiment this week, and these were pretty tasty.  Have you ever watched one of those little quick videos on Facebook where the person is making something, and you think, "I could do that!"  So - I tried these - Easy Baked Pancake Muffins.

You can't see this, but I put chocolate chips in mine.
They're quick to make, pretty simple, and tasted good, too!

Here's something I'm proud of - I organized my embroidery floss stash!  No "before" pictures - it was too embarrassing.  All kinds of ziploc bags full of this and that.  Isn't this pretty now?!

LeeAnna's question of the week is about outdoor performances - have we gone, do we like them?  And my answer is yes!  Here in Colorado there are many opportunities for outdoor concerts and performances, but the most wonderful place is Red Rocks Amphitheater, located in the foothills west of Denver.  It's a beautiful spot for a concert!

I think, over the years, we've been to at least 4 concerts there that we could think back to: Michael Martin Murphey, Chuck Mangione, (those were in the 70s), and then more recently James Taylor, and (probably my favorite) Idina Menzel.  Think - the voice of Elsa in Frozen singing "Let it Go!"  She was so good!  I went to that one with my teaching friends, Betty - her son had given her the tickets for her birthday and I got to go, too.

Good memories!

Hope you're having a great week!
Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.



  1. Nice threads and your garden is doing well too!

  2. The cucumbers look scrumptious, Diann . It is so nice to see that you are beginning to enjoy the bounty of your garden. What an amazing place to watch a concert. I have been in the area but never have watched a concert there. It sounds like you have had some great times at Red Rocks. Enjoy your day . Hugs.

  3. It's nice when your plants cooperate, nice looking veggies. You've definitely whipped your threads into shape. Grad Girl started out with one that size and I've since had to upgrade her to a tackle box for all her threads. But as she says, thread is relatively cheap, so she can afford that part of the hobby.

  4. Yummy! I love cucumbers and yours look wonderful. Not too big and not too small. Good job on your floss organization. It will definitely pay off in the long run when you can lay your hands on the thread you're looking for. Happy stitching!

  5. Those floss wrapping thingies are great for keeping things organized. I inherited all of my MIL's floss and spent many hours getting it back in shape.

  6. That muffin looks good, did your resident chef (son) approve? ;) Red Rocks is such a gorgeous place. Haven't seen it in person since I was a teenager, but I'll never forget it. We have watched concerts there on TV, always fun to watch.

  7. Ooh! A concert at Red Rocks is/was on my bucket list! Our daughter attends lots of concerts in Colorado. In fact last night she was at Paizley Park.
    Your floss looks great. I have boxes like that , four of them. I know, good grief, Judy!

    Good job on the cucumbers. Yummy. I stil only have flowers on my tomatoes. I may have started too late. The growing season is so short in this area!

  8. I have cucumber envy. I want my plant to produce more (I'm dreaming of making pickles again this year). Those look like good tomatoes! Doesn't it feel great to organize your supplies? Good stuff all around.

  9. Congratulations on that garden haul! Those cucumbers look great. The pancake muffins sound delish. I'll have to check out that recipe. I've been doing a bit of cross stitch organization, but haven't touch the floss yet. I do use those boxes for my DMC. Aren't they great?

  10. a concert at red rock would be terrific to listen to.
    nice garden plants whenever I plant cucumbers I get odd shape bitter things I'm told it is because of the heat - I think I just don't have the soil right or something

  11. Good job on the cucumbers! I had hoped to harvest some soon. I was looking at my plants this morning and something has eaten them! I guess I have to keep the dog hair and coffee grounds fresh to keep away those darn squirrels!

  12. Pretty floss and good for you for containing it! I've been to a few outdoor venues. Red Rocks in Colorado looks amazing! Enjoy those tomatoes and cucumbers!

  13. I haven't cross-stitched or embroidered in years. Still have the floss, but never organized it on those little holders. That's quite a haul of cucumbers. Will you make some refridgerator picles with them?
    We went to Red Rocks maybe 7 or 8 years ago when we were in Denver just to see it, didn't go to a concert. Then we went on to Garden of the Gods which was also amazing.

  14. It would be amazing to see a concert live at Red Rocks. I have seen videos of concerts, a favorite is John Tesh, but we have never been there in person. It is a bit too far for us, LOL, from NC.

  15. Your cukes and maters look awesome! Kudos to you for getting your floss organized! Way to go! Wishing you a safe and happy weekend!

  16. I have visited Red Rocks but never seen a concert there. Chuck Mangione sure brings back memories - that would've been a fun concert!
