Friday, July 19, 2024

A quilt top!

The zipper blocks zipped themselves right into a quilt top this week!  There's something about sewing blocks into a top that often helps me like the whole project better, and that happened with these.  

It's always fun to look at all the blocks you've made as you're stitching the rows together.  I decided this section is my favorite - turquoise, purple, yellow, goldfinches, sand and seashells.  Anything goes in these blocks!

Next up is to make a backing for the quilt and get it ready to quilt.
I'm really going to try not to leave it in the to-be-quilted closet for too long!
Maybe it will be an August finishing project.

Also this week, I hand-pieced one more hollow 9 patch.  I've been making two of these each month. 

There are 14 of these blocks now.  I think it just needs orange and then I'm going to sew the blocks together - this will be doll quilt sized.  I've hand-pieced several quilts over the last five years or so, all different sizes.  I can feel myself losing a little interest in hand-piecing, so it's just time to finish this project up!

Sharing at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday!
Melva Loves Scraps for Sew and Tell Monday.


  1. You are on a roll with finishing up your RSC tops! So fun to revisit the scraps as you sew the blocks together and quilt the tops. I have a couple of ideas floating around in my head for some RSC blocks I made last year. Have a great day!

  2. The zipper quilt is very fun and colorful. You are so close to being done with your hollow 9 patches. That's going to be another colorful quilt.

  3. Zippity Zip, it looks so awesome!

  4. I had my doubts, but love seeing it all together!

  5. I just love your zipper quilt! You put together such nice combos and varieties of prints. I agree - it is fun to see all the blocks when you are sewing it together. The hollow nines are really pretty. Hand piecing is a different ballgame than quilting, right? Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Hooray for the zipper flimsy! Isn't it hard to stop with just two hollow 9 blocks? I'd be tempted to sew a bunch.

  7. Congratulations on the "Zipped" flimsy. It looks terrific! I hear you about not letting projects hang out long in the to be quilted closet. . . I have a few of those myself! Your hollow nine blocks look great too! I admire your hand piecing skills!

  8. Sew many hand work project possibilities and so little time! I love that there are so many crafting options out there to keep us entertained. Your hollow 9's will make a cute little quilt. The zippers look great. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Love the Zipper Quilt. Sunny & cheerful. Your Hollow 9s made a sweet, sweet doll quilt. Two quilts getting closer to the finish line.

  10. It’s fun to see your Zippity quilt. I’m anxious to get the blocks done for this year’s challenge and see if I can’t get a quilt made! Would that be amazing for this girl who is “ The Queen of Unfinished Projects”! I have a t-shirt to prove it! 🤣

  11. Did you whip those blocks into a flimsy or did those blocks zip themselves up? We may never know but if the outcome is so cute, do we really care how we got here? August has to be Orange, I think. Diann, I am not sure why but that turquoise and purple in the zipper blocks looks so familiar :-)

  12. Woohoo! The zipper quilt is colorful and fun! :)

  13. Wow your zipper quilt looks spectacular, Diann! Woo Hoo on getting it pieced! Love, love , love your Hollow nine patches. There you go- tempting me again! You know I will give in to another project. LOL. Happy quilting. Hugs.

  14. Your zipper quilt is so colorful and fun. I know what you mean about not leaving them in the UFO pile too long - I have too many in that state!

  15. Your Zipper quilt is just perfect. Thanks for getting me started with these blocks, because they are such fun to make.

  16. The zipper quilt turned out so cute. I love how bright and cheery it is. Your hand pieced blocks are so pretty, Diann. I do not have the patience, nor consistency, for hand piecing but I sure like the look.

  17. Those zipper blocks just zipped their way into a quilt! So fast and cute, Diann!!!

  18. Love how your little squares make the eyes move up and down over your quilt. xo

  19. Zipped themselves into place nicely :)
