Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Pieces of My Life QAL

Three little girls with matching outfits - I think this had to be Easter around 1961 or so.  I'm sure we were all dressed up to go to church that morning.  My mom was quite a seamstress well up into her 80s, and she made all our clothes - including my wedding dress and a suit for Mike!  

We did go to church regularly - Aldersgate Methodist Church in Greece, NY.  All my friends went there, too, and participated in the youth groups and Girl Scouts which also met there.   My favorite service always was the candlelight service on Christmas Eve.  Then we went home to open one gift, and my dad would read A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens.  My dad loved Charles Dickens - we kids, not so much!  

This week's blocks for the Pieces of My Life QAL at Melva Loves Scraps are an Ohio Star and a bowtie block, to represent the Christmas star and little boys dressed up in bowties.  My brother wasn't around yet in the above photo, but I know there are photos with him wearing a bowtie somewhere!  I sewed these blocks both up yesterday, and they went together easily.

Even though these are technically blocks 7 and 8, I only have six done so far.  There are two other six inch blocks which I have put off making, but need to go back and do.  I wasn't sure if I would need them at first, but I do want to follow Melva's directions for a Quilt-As-You-Go finish, and the smaller blocks are part of that.  They shouldn't be hard to get caught up on.

Sharing at Melva Loves Scraps and
Quiltfabrication for Midweek Makers.
Finished or Not Friday at Alycia Quilts 


  1. Very cute Easter dresses, the hats are so sweet. Getting a new dress and white shoes for the holiday were always a highlight of the spring for us. You have a wonderful set of blocks so far. The bright colors work so well together.

  2. There are pictures of me in the photo albums wearing a dress and gloves as well as a hat for church. Fun memories!
    You are building a great block collection!

  3. Love your story of dressing up on Easter. Wow I didn't know your mom was such a great seamstress to make your wedding dress and a suit for Mike, wow I am really impressed!!

  4. That is the most precious photo, Diann. And to think your Mom made the dresses and your wedding outfits for both of you. What a talented woman and we see where your skills come from! We always got a new outfit for Easter Sunday too and the little lacy gloves.
    Lovely blocks as well.

  5. What a darling photo - which one are you? Your Mom was quite talented, and a suit for Mike? Hope you have a photo of that somewhere. ;) I actually made a suit for my husband in the early 70s, some plaid thing that looks so ugly now in the photos, but oh he was so proud of it.
    I love all your blocks, they are so pretty together!

  6. Cute photo of you and your sisters in your Easter finery. Your mom was talented! My mom sewed my dresses and my cousin's dress for Easter. My brother wore a button shirt and bow tie too! I also remember that I liked the accessories better than the dress. . .hat and gloves! Great job on stitching the blocks. Quilt As You Go is a good method to wrangle a finish for those that don't own quilting machines!

  7. that is so cute - I have photos like that too of me and my two older sisters - mom made a lot of our clothes too - I think it was a per-requiste of having children in the 50's mom had to know how to sew!

  8. Such an adorable photo! My mom made a lot of my clothes as a kid, too.

  9. Love the old photo and the glimpse into your past, Diann! You stirred up memories of me, and my sisters, dressing up in our Easter best (Hats included).
    We also looked forward to midnight mass and opening one gift afterwards.

    I am very impressed with your Mom's sewing skills! :)

  10. You shared another fun memory, Diann. Your blocks are looking great!

  11. Aaw such a darling photo, Diann and such sweet memories. Your mom was very talented and how lucky were you to enjoy her beautiful work. Your quilt blocks look amazing. They are so cheerful. It is exciting to see your blocks in the works! Happy quilting. Hugs.

  12. Great job with the blocks and the stories. :) I've enjoyed getting to know you through this sew along. <3

  13. Sweet blocks, and a really sweet photo. Your childhood sounds a lot like mine except for the sisters and dad reading Dickens. I went to a Methodist Church, spent many happy years in the Girl Scouts, and had a mom who sewed all my clothes, until I was old enough to sew them myself.

  14. Precious photo indeed.My mom didn’t sew a lot. But dresses, shirts for my Dad and the boys sometimes. Your blocks for Pieces of My Life are looking good. I’m anxious to see the finish.

  15. What a sweet photo ..... Precious memories....
