Wednesday, May 22, 2024

I Like Thursday #388

Good morning!  Have you had your coffee yet?  That is the first thing I do when I get up in the morning - turn on the coffee pot.  When the coffee is ready to pour, I open up the newspaper app on my tablet and read the day's news while I sip.  The only thing that could make this better is a homemade treat to go with the coffee!

After so many years of getting up early to get to work, I still wake up early, but
I'm so happy to not have anywhere to be first thing in the morning!

Things are growing around here.  I have all the garden plants in, and they seem to be happy.  This pretty yellow columbine surprised us with a bunch of blooms this year.  We used to have a whole section of the garden devoted to columbine, but they all died out except for this one.

I finished a really good book this week, The Lost Apothecary.  It's historical fiction, but different from what I usually read.  In this story, the historical character lives in London in the late 1700s.  She is an apothecary who helps women in all kinds of ways - some of which are against the law!  There is also a modern day character who tries to learn more about this apothecary.  Interesting story!

We watched the final episode of "The Good Doctor" last night - they did a good job ending it.  I'm sad that it's over - it was a good show!  Glad we discovered it a few months ago.

Have a great day, friends!  
Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.


  1. No coffee yet; I'm having an ultrasound this morning so no food or drink after midnight. Thankfully the procedure is at 8 a.m. and We've packed breakfast bars to eat right after.

  2. I need caffeine in the morning to get me going too! I have not read that book…sounds interesting. Such a pretty columbine. I have two different purple ones and a pink one in my garden. Gail at the cozy quilter.

  3. Your yellow columbines are beautiful! I'm looking forward to seeing your garden grow this spring.
    Even after being retired for years, we still rise at 6:00 or earlier and lazily enjoy our coffee. Hubs has it on a timer, so it is ready when I need it - lol! It is my favorite time of day, when the whole day is open and ready. Some days I can hardly wait for the clock to strike 6:00 and I get up earlier.

  4. I love waking up early and being the only one up in the house for a bit. I work from home so I only have to go downstairs to my desk...but I look forward to not having to do that one day. The Lost Apothecary is on my TBR list. I should get to it.

  5. I make the coffee first thing. We get the Chicago Tribune in paper, home delivery.

  6. we have both been sleeping later and later in the morning. With no work schedule for years now we tend to stay up later in the evening and sleep longer in the morning. Therefore we are still drinking morning coffee and going over news until mid-morning sometimes!

  7. The columbine is so pretty! I wish I could grow flowers!

  8. Tea, not coffee, for me. I make myself do exercises as the water boils, and sometimes I procrastinate my tea because I don't want to exercise! But tea eventually wins out. :-) The Lost Apothecary sounds interesting - I'll have to add it to my list.

  9. Happy Thursday, Diann. My day starts with a ice sweet tea and then I am ready to go. I have never seen yellow columbines ; yours are so lovely. I am glad to hear your garden is doing well. I planted some butterfly bushes and am awaiting for them to bloom. I hope you have a very lovely day. Hugs.

  10. Love a cup of coffee in the morning, especially on our veranda listening to the avian choir. I enjoyed Lost Apothecary too, and recommended it as well. I thought they did a nice job on the story ending for Good Doctor, but it seemed like they skimped on the medical realities - like having a patient under anesthesia in an operating room but no anesthetist or anesthesiologist, no circulating or scrub nurses either. Just two doctors, wouldn't happen. There were more, but I tried to focus on the storyline. I liked the epilogue of 10 years later.
    I was watching Bridgerton today, aghast that the latest season is only 4 episodes!! The first two were 8 episodes. Both a far cry from years ago when a season was 26 episodes!

  11. I really enjoy the Lost Apothecary. It was so good! I also start my day with coffee. It's so nice to not have to rush off to work anymore. I used to have to start at 6am. Way too early!!

  12. Enjoy those early morning sips. . .while I'm still working. . .I don't work every day and I'm with you. It is nice to have a laid back morning! I will miss the Good Doctor. I too thought the writers did well with bringing closure to the various story lines. I suppose it would have been too challenging to have more "staff" in the OR to bring the show into a more realistic view.

  13. What a pretty color for a columbine. You should get some more since it's the state flower of Colorado. I have them everywhere as they reseed like crazy here. Definitely need to start my day with coffee. Two cups, then I'm done.
