Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Midweek Update

From big pieces to small... after making a bunch of 8.5 inch HSTs and squares for the outer sections of my version of Luminous Layers, this week we switched to 1.5 inch squares and HSTs.

I need four of the yellow and dark pink star blocks (so two more to make), and the green sections with light pink background will eventually make the center star.  I've circled them in the diagram below.

Along the way, I started sewing the larger pieces together into rows as leaders and enders.  After laying out what had been sewn yesterday afternoon, I took this photo and kept thinking that something looked wrong in the layout.

Oh - oops!  The row with the blue section is sewn together all wrong...
I guess I'll be having a date with the seam ripper this afternoon!

Here's how it's supposed to look:

Sandra always releases the next step on Wednesdays, and I'm thinking that this week we'll be finishing up that small star section, and getting the whole top together.  Time to finish up the last two dark pink stars so that I can move on!



  1. Good to catch the oops before the top was all sewn together! Your stars are coming together nicely! Gail at the cozy quilter.

  2. Always a sign to take a step back and consult the pattern when you think something looks wrong. Glad you caught it before sewing the rows together. Looks like you'll have a completed quilt top soon.

  3. Fun to see your progress with this lovely pattern! You are lucky to catch the layout issue. Most of the time I have mine completely sewn together!

  4. I figured those little stars were going to be pretty small pieces to work with! Good catch with the yellow/blue pieces.

  5. So Pretty!!!! I like where you are going with the small blocks too! You will have a top soon!!

  6. Fortunately you caught the mis-piecing early in the process!

  7. Those tiny stars are adorable.
