Wednesday, May 15, 2024

I Like Thursday #387

Good morning! 
This beautiful Western Tanager visited our yard a few times earlier this week.
We sure enjoyed seeing him!

It's planting season here, finally!  I got flowers in pots and a few veggies planted, too.  I'm a small scale gardener - mostly planting for color and a little for eating fresh out of the garden.

When we went to the garden center to get the veggie plants, I saw this cute display!  All those eyes!

We've been having some rain showers off and on, too, which is always good for the growing things.  One late afternoon storm resulted in this double rainbow!

For Mother's Day, I took some frozen ice cream cones to my mom's place and we all enjoyed them - even some of the other ladies who live there and the staff.  These are Mom's favorite treat lately!

LeeAnna's question of the week is about lessons from our childhood and how they've impacted our view of the world.  That made me think about my dad - he always said that "you get out of something what you put into it."  I think of that as advice to put your whole heart into everything you do - school, work, family, home.  So that is how I've tried to live my life!

Have a great rest of the week, friends!
Joining in with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.



  1. I love that picture of you and your Mom, she has a sweet smile. Those are pretty much my favorite ice cream snack too! Blue Bell makes minis, so you don't feel like you're eating too much. ;)
    Your Dad looks like a sweetheart. We watched some old videos while our daughter and family were here Sunday, and my favorite one was the year before Daddy died and we were all eating together at Mom and Daddy's house. I was finally able to watch it without crying!

  2. Such a pretty bird, we don't get those here.

  3. Oh you got a great shot of the Tanager and the rainbow. Your mother looks like she enjoyed her mother's day treat.

  4. The colors on that bird. . .beautiful! Ice cream on Mother's Day with your mom . . .what a great day! I like your planting. We are doing a little of that here too! Your dad was a wise man.

  5. You look ever so cute with your Mom!

  6. looks like your mom is doing ok and always nice to have ice cream!!

  7. Yum! yum! to the ice cream cones. What a sweet treat for all. Sounds like you continue to live by your Dad's advice!

  8. Aaah that is a wonderful photo of you and your mom, Diann. I am so glad you both got to enjoy the day together. I have never seen a tanager; it is very vibrant and beautiful. Your garden is looking amazing! Did you get one of the darling garden pots to add to your garden? I was looking to see if there was a squirrel pot. Lol. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  9. Lots of things to like! We have a red-headed woodpecker for the first time this year.

  10. Your likes on Thursday are clear evidence you are following your Father's maxim. It's a great way to approach life.

  11. Pretty Tanager. Those garden center critters are pretty cute! Ice cream is always a great treat. :-)

  12. Wow to both the bird and the rainbow photos. Great shots. I went to the local farm market and got some plants today, including a beautiful peach colored begonia in a hanging basket. Also moved the geraniums out to the deck. Always fun to share ice cream with Mom.

  13. Love those Luminous Layers stars in the last post.
    I really enjoyed seeing that bird...have not spotted such here. And rainbows are so beautiful aren't they. I also liked seeing you and your Mom enjoying an ice cream treat.You will have fun now watching things grow too, Diann.
    Great advice to live by from your Dad.

  14. That double rainbow is fantastic, Diann! I have only seen the tanager a couple of pretty! Your Mom looks good...that's a treat that would make me smile too! :)

  15. oh your mom and dad raised a fine daughter! The bird!!! how beautiful, haven't seen them here

  16. A western tanager?!!! Wow!!! Wonderful photo of you and your mom, too, Diann!!!

  17. That is an interesting bird. I don't think we have those here. Nice photo of you and your Mom. Your Dad sounds like a wise man.
