Wednesday, January 17, 2024

I Like Thursday #371

It has been a cold and snowy week here in Northern Colorado - much like the rest of the country.  I don't know if it was a record low temperature or not, but we hit -16 on Tuesday morning!  We finally got back above freezing today, and Mike and I took advantage of the milder temperature to go for a walk around the neighborhood.  The fresh air and sunshine felt really good!

The birds have been active in the yard, though.  We enjoy seeing the juncos when they come for a visit.

The other day I was cleaning up around my sewing machine and realized I had a lot of junk tools laying around that were looking really messy.   I decided that a fabric basket would be a helpful and much better looking way of storing all these things, so I decided to make one.  After hunting around for a tutorial I realized that I could repurpose a small 12 inch square quilted mat that I haven't been using just by boxing in the corners.

That was quick and easy, and looks a lot nicer!  My sewing machine sits on a desk and I have a Sew Steady table that fits around the machine and provides a large flat surface to sew on.  The new fabric basket slides right under the clear table to get all those tools out of the way.

Quick and easy!

LeeAnna's question of the week for us is: What was an event that had a big impact on you this year and how did you handle it?

You might know how I'm going to answer that one because I've shared about it quite a lot on the blog, and that is moving my mom back here to Colorado in 2021 and becoming responsible for managing her care.  There have been lots of ups and down in the last couple years with this - the biggest one of which was that in March of 2023 she fell and broke her hip.  My mom was 91 1/2 at the time, and I truly thought that either this was a death sentence for her or that she'd never walk again.  Thank goodness for the amazing surgeon who convinced me that she was going to survive this, and the wonderful therapists at the rehab center who made sure Mom did walk again!

March 4, 2023 - day of surgery

Mom also had Covid when this happened!

Up and walking at the rehab center - April 1, 2023 - no April Fool here!

Happy 92nd Birthday, Mom! - August 21

How did I handle this?  Like we handle so many things that are thrown at us in life - one step at a time.  You make the phone calls, you talk to the people who know what you need, you get up and go even when you just want hide away from it all.  I'm really thankful for my husband and local friends who supported me through all of this, and for all of you, my blogging friends.  We may never have met in real life, but our conversations and sharing have helped me more than you know!

Thanks for visiting on I Like Thursday hosted by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color



  1. What a beautiful precious blessing to have your Mom!
    And very clever to make that table mat into a box! :)

  2. Love your new tool box. Great way to repurpose something already finished. So glad you mother did well with the surgery and the outcomes. She was able to work hard on recovery since she had your support. Hope this year is much less stressful on that front.

  3. Your mom looks great! I’m so happy that she was in the hands of wonderful drs and other medical professionals who could make a full recovery a reality for her.
    Your basket is a perfect place to keep all those bits and pieces.
    Have a good day. Still really cold here.

  4. glad your mom is doing good still. Turning a small table topper into a little fairly flat box is such a good idea

  5. I love your Mom! So glad she is doing better and that you both had great support during a tough time. It is a blessing to have professional support from the doctors and physical therapists!
    That little basket is just too cute!

  6. Girl Power personified in both of you! You're lucky you still have her.

  7. I just made a very similar fabric tray for my son - he wanted a dice rolling tray. Mine is hexagonal, and it was so quick and simple. Great idea using a quilt block for yours! I'm so glad your mama recovered so well and is back to enjoying time with you!

  8. Oh that breaking of the hip was a really big deal, so glad she was able to recover and get back to walking. Love your new little basket with a repurpose to that quilt mat, brilliant use!

  9. wonderful telling of the experience and what you gained from it, how you survived it. We can all relate to overcoming a crisis from your telling of it. I like that basket, like any organizational tools to create order, Leeanna

  10. Your mom looks wonderful! What a perfect person to be grateful for today!

  11. Your basket is great! Your Mom seems like a real trouper!

  12. That must have been quite a journey for both you and your mom, deciding to have the hip surgery, and then the rehabilitation. Your mom must be a real trooper! Cute idea for the fabric tool box.

  13. Hi Diann! Lots of snow and cold going on all over the USA. It has spread down to FL and the southern states that should not be worrying about those things! I love your little tool basket! And, your lemonade center block is perfect for this year's SAHRR. I can't wait to see where you take it. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  14. I am thankful your mom survived her hip issue, but continue to help her be mobile. My MIL didn't work to help herself with rehab after hers and passed away 6 months after her break. And please, stop sending your snow east!!! LOL

  15. I love useful little projects like that. Nifty basket. Glad your Mom is a trouper! :-)

  16. What a great little storage container! It fits the space perfectly. Doesn't it feel good to look back on that time with your mom? She did so well! Medicine can be amazing!
