Saturday, June 10, 2023

Sunday Slow Stitching

 I expected that the wheelbarrow embroidery design wouldn't take me long to finish up, and I was right!

I love the little bird with the tree branch under his wing!

Since I stitched all the greenery with the same variegated green floss, DMC 4066 - Amazon Moss, as I stitched the gardening Easter Bunny, I was thinking these two might be fun in a wall-hanging together.

The gardening bunny does need her tools, after all!

You know I can't go even a day without some slow stitching, so I had to trace a new one.  This is the June design from the One Stitch at a Time Club - called Tweety Tea Birds.  It is shown stitched in variegated red or blue, and I decided to go with red.

I'll be working on this for my slow Sunday stitching,
and linking up with all the stitchers at Kathy's Quilts.


  1. These are all lovely stitcheries. I particularly like you green bunny. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  2. So cute! Those two embroideries look great together. Always a good idea to have handwork project on the go. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  3. You say slow stitching but I am sure that your steadiness with these blocks have churned out a 100 of them by now. Have a gorgeous Sunday!

  4. Oh yes, those two pretty embroideries should be seen together in the one wall hanging. Love your new embroidery project. 'Tis so sweet.

  5. Aren't you so glad you got started with embroidery! How many years ago now?

  6. Those are all so sweet, can't wait to see what you do to finish them into a project.

  7. You are right. Those two go together really well. I can't wait to see the hanging.

  8. That bunny looks perfect with the wheelbarrow full of tools! I had not noticed that bird's branch - how cute is that. I really enjoy your stitching. :)

  9. nice stitchery's now to see what will you use them for?

  10. Love the bunny and his tools together! Have a wonderful Sunday.

  11. The bunny and wheelbarrow do make a nice combo. Happy slow stitching today.

  12. I love the wheelbarrow embroidery that you just finished. Your latest embroidery is sweet also. Question: what kind of marker do you use to trace your designs?

  13. Love the bunny and wheelbarrow combo. Hope you have a great week, and Happy Stitching!

  14. The wheelbarrow stitching is very fitting for gardening season. I really like the new teapot stitching, must check that one out.

  15. How precious is the wheelbarrow block. It would look fabulous with paired with the bunny. Have a great evening stitching, Diann.
