Wednesday, January 18, 2023

I Like Thursday #319

 Today's view out the front window:

We ended up with about 7 inches.

A big difference from our fun long weekend trip to Arizona to meet up with our friends in Mike's Navy group.  

Beautiful Arizona landscape!

The guys played golf together for two days and the women did some sightseeing.  I really enjoyed the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix.

Of course, there was also lots of conversation and good food and togetherness.  Here is Mike with his roommate, Greg, from 50 years ago.

And a good amount of silliness, too!

Larry singing, "We are the champions!"
Mike was on his team both days,
and they won the little tournament Greg had devised.

Playing along with our shadow selves!

It went by quickly and we're back home again, using the snowblower and warming up with hot beverages when we come back inside again.  I am happy to get back into my sewing room, and glad that I made notes about the Blueberry Taffy blocks so I remember what I was doing, lol!

I'm a haphazard listmaker, and keep little notepads in various places around the house.  Lists include: things we've run out of that I want to remember for the next trip to the store, projects that are in various stages of construction, how to make a certain block for future reference, etc.

Speaking of a list - check out the list of bloggers who are participating in the Villa Rosa Designs blog hop - and it starts today.  My day is coming up on Saturday the 21st.

Thanks for visiting on "I Like Thursday!"
Be sure to visit all the positive posts at Not Afraid of Color.


  1. That looks like a fun trip to Arizona, from winter to summer and back to winter! BRRRR! Stay inside, stay warm! Pretty blue block.

  2. we didn't get the snow, but we did get the cooler weather. Looks like you had a very fun weekend.

  3. I'm a list maker, too. Just can't remember where I put my lists!

  4. Oh that snow! Looks like it was a little cool in AZ too. Glad you had a good trip, looks like fun. I bet your AZ table runner was well received!

  5. Your Arizona trip sounds like it was a lot of fun. Maybe a little cool? Nothing like what you returned home too, for sure. I used to be much better about making lists but these days I'm pretty limited to my grocery list and whatever I need to accomplish in my job.

  6. 7" is a lot of snow but it looks like closer to Denver got 12"! I'm sure it was a definite shock to the system coming back from sunny AZ. Looks like a load of fun for all!

  7. I love the Botanical Gardens there and have been there several times - it looks like you all had fun - and then yes back to reality and snow

  8. What a big difference!!!! Whooo you cam back to cold!!!
    Blue Berry Taffy is so cute!!!

  9. Oh, your trip looks fun! I have to get to Arizona some day.

  10. Been thinking about you down there! DD’s friend, who lives in Loveland, said she had 6” and it was still snowing then. What a shock from your lovely weekend away. Isn’t the Botanical Gardens a fun visit! Last year Chihuly Glass sculptures were there. Did you see ant still on display? Still loving your Blueberry taffy blocks! Thanks for the reminder about the blog hop! I think I may need to start a list of all those I want to visit! I like your haphazard list maker reference! Me Too!. I’m always trying to remember where I wrote it down! :)

  11. I make lists, but don't always follow them! I wish I was better about making notes on my projects, I often forget what I was doing!

  12. Hi Diann! Oh, that Blueberry Taffy block is so cute. It sure does look like a piece of taffy! Is that your RSC block this year? I can't say I've seen that block before. I'm so glad you had a great time and trip to AZ. It's fun to get together with friends. Happy Thursday! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  13. Glad you had such a lovely time catching up with friends in the warm sunshine!
    I make lists and notes too. I now have a diary with space to write my weekly to-do list which helps keep a lot of my thoughts in one place. I'm getting better at writing clear notes against my patchwork diagrams - I've been caught out so many times not being able to understand the little adjustments I've scribbled down!

  14. Looks like a joyful trip. How nice! The snow is pretty. Send a little my way, would you? ;-)

  15. That' a lot of snow! Arizona looks so lovely this time of the year. It looks like ya'll had fun. Your taffy block is so adorable and looks like a lot of fun to make.

  16. That view out your window looks terribly familiar! I like the fun that you all have on your trips together, and that little block is a cute one!

  17. trouble again leaving comments...
    what a wonderful group this is, what it stands for and the companionship. LeeAnna

  18. Reunions with longtime friends are fun. I’m hoping this will be the year we can celebrate special milestones with friends. I like the fabric you chose for your quilt.
