Saturday, December 3, 2022

Still slowly stitching...

 Each of these little projects got some stitches this week.

The little penguin got some snow and sky.  
It almost looks like he's ice skating!

These Snow Friends were a quick start this week, and will be a quick finish, too.  They're meant to be made into a Christmas ornament that I'll include in the gift bag for my quilt group's gift exchange later this week.

It's not winter yet, but it felt like it for a few days this week, so this one's appropriate, too.  Time to work on "winter!"

If you've read the Louise Penny Inspector Gamache series, you might like the Prime TV series, "Three Pines," which is based on the books.  We watched the first two episodes on Friday when they first came out, and I thought it was very well done!  The books (and show) are set in a small town in Quebec.  There's lots of snow in the show, so stitching snowmen and "Welcome Winter" while watching fit the scene perfectly!

Sharing at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching. 


  1. Oh I love your little penguin!! The snowmen are great too! I just read an interview with Alfred Molina and can't wait to see that. Have fun with your slow stitching today! Hugs!

  2. the penguin is so cute. We watched the first episode of Three Pines. I can appreciate some of the changes they're making, but it seems to have jumped into the middle of the 2nd, 4th and 5th book? I need to give it a chance to just watch it without saying: wait! that's not the way it goes!

  3. They are all such cute projects! I am sure they are an absolute pleasure to stitch!

  4. The little penguin ornament for the Little Penguin blog made me smile - and it's so cute.

    I am always a bit cautious of TV shows and movies made from books I enjoy. While it's nice to see the scenes 'live', the adaptation always seems to leave out characters and sub-plots that I really liked in the books. Thanks for the rec, though. Will check it out.

  5. I saw Three Pines listed the other day when looking for something to watch - I will check it out this month

  6. I sure like seeing your variegated thread, have you ever seen it is red? I forget to look when I go to the store. Little penguin is sure taking shape.

  7. May I asked which loss color blue you used on your snowmen? I have some snowmen I'd like to do in blue. Thanks!

  8. Cute stitching projects! We watched a wonderful movie on Netflix last night called The Noel Diary - a bit more substance than the usual Christmas movie.

  9. Great choice of backing fabric for your two winter projects. I must try some blue thread instead of the red work, it works really well.I haven’t heard of the three pines, I’ll look out for it. !

  10. Love your penguin. I love your bluework project too. I haven't heard of Three Pines but will check it out. I am looking for something to watch every evening! Have a great week!

  11. Your penguin is coming along! I downloaded snow buddies, but may not get to it til January. I’m sure there will still be snow then! Thanks for the recommendation. We are always looking for series to watch!

  12. Pretty stitching, your penguin looks very happy to be out in the snow and ice.

  13. Love your penguin progress! The blue embroidery is pretty…I like it with the variegated gloss. I watched the Noel Diary last night too. Very good movie

  14. The penguin was a great choice for you. I just picked up the newest Louise Penny book from the library, so maybe I'll wait on the TV series. I also have to try to remember how to access Prime TV. It's set up but I've never used it.

  15. Your penguin is adorable. I like the friendly snowmen also. Enjoy all of your stitching!

  16. Beautiful penguin and such lovely seasonal embroideries, Diann. We have seen the adverts for the Pines and will definitely be checking out the first episode.

  17. Lovely cross stitch penquin. I really like your snow friends embroidery. The weather inspires me to get stitching snowflakes.

  18. The little penguin is as cute as a button, Diann. And your embroidery looks amazing. I love the snowmen in blue. Happy stitching.

  19. Lots of great projects going on as always. I started watching the show, but it just didn't catch for me. I think because the lead actor was in a Spiderman movie and I just hated him. LOL.
