Saturday, December 10, 2022

Almost there!

I had to go back and look at last Sunday's slow stitching post to see how much progress I'd made on the little Christmas Penguin, and here's where I was a week ago:

Here's how he looks now!  At first it felt like this blue background was going to be terribly slow, but a few strands of floss each evening, and progress is made.

Almost there!

Still working on Welcome Winter, too, but not much farther to go on this one either.

So I guess you know what I'll be working on for this slow stitching Sunday!

Sharing at Kathy's Quilts.


  1. Maybe I will take time today to put together my 'winter' one.

  2. Wow you really made progress on little penguin! I bet you really enjoy stitching on him. :) Welcome Winter looks so pretty in that favorite blue.

  3. Sometimes that filler space seems to take forever until you do a bit here & there and then voila! Finished! Bet you get it done today!

  4. you will get done with the stitching all during the Xmas season and have it completed for next year!!

  5. It’s amazing how much you can get done with a strand here and there. He really is very cute!

  6. Great progress on both stitcheries!

  7. You got lots done this week! We are decorating our tree and house this afternoon. Hope to have some stitching time later.

  8. Such cute projects! I need to pull out some cross stitch again; it's kinda been forgotten with all the other projects going on!

  9. Both of your projects are looking fabulous. You have made a lot of progress on both. I love those peachy cheeks in the penguin. He makes me smile. Have a great week.

  10. I love the sweet little penguin. Winter Welcome is stitching up quickly. Two pretty projects.
