Wednesday, September 28, 2022

I Like Thursday #303

Happy Thursday, friends!  Thanks for visiting on "I Like Thursday," hosted by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color.  It's also my birthday - so thanks for the gift of your friendship!  I so  enjoy all my blogging friends and our interaction through the quilting world.

I was surprised and touched by this sweet card from a local friend.  That is actual cross-stitching in there - how do you suppose she did that?  

While in Oregon, we did a little wine tasting, and I brought home a bottle in my suitcase.  This was quite tasty, and I loved the name and label.

Can you tell the bottle is empty?  😎

I've been getting caught up on these books in Anne Hillerman's Leaphorn, Chee, and Manuelito mystery series.  Her books continue the series started by her dad, Tony, in the 70s.  If you like the Louise Penny Gamache series or William Kent Krueger's Cork O'Connor, you would probably like these.  There's always a mystery, of course, but so much more added with the culture of the Navajo people.

LeeAnna was asking about a favorite product of ours, and, truthfully, I have just one: Chapstick!  It has to be that brand, and this variety of it, too.  It even has a little SPF in it, which I figure is a good thing.                           ⬇️

To be honest, I might even be a bit addicted to it, lol!
There is always one in my purse, and in my pocket.
I used to tell my 5th grade students that I had a whip in my pocket, and that I was going to get it out if they didn't get right to work.  They would just laugh and say they knew what I really had in my pocket, "Chapstick!"

One last photo to share from our Oregon trip.  I took this with Mike's camera on our last night there when we were out watching the sunset.  It's a very favorite photo now!



  1. Gorgeous photo! I didn't know about Anne Hillerman continuing her dad's legacy. I was a faithful reader back in the day ...

  2. Happy Birthday! I'm glad you mentioned Anne Hillerman. I had forgotten about her. I enjoyed her father's books, and I think I may have read one of hers. Hooray for the simplicity of Chapstick!

  3. Happy Birthday!! I have Chapstick all over the house too, several tubes where I can always get to one, plus two in my purse. Love that photo of the sunset!

  4. Happy Birthday, Diann, and many more!!! That Mike is a keeper -- sooooo strong! How does he manage to hold that sun up, I wonder!

  5. Happy Birthday to you! 🎢🎡 Hope you have a marvelous day! Will there be cake?

    I haven’t read Kellerman, either Tony or Anne. I would probably like them, since I do like Louise Penny. I don’t think I’ve read William Kent Krueger, but the name is familiar. So many books to try! :)

    I need to get in the habit of chapstick! I do get dry dry dry lips in the winter especially! They make my favorite Aquaphor in a lip balm that I have used up! I need to get another!

    Happy Birthday once again!

  6. Happy Happy Birthday, Diann!! I hope it's a fabulous day filled with fun, family, and friends. {{Hugs}} Cool picture of Mike and the sunset. We might refer to him as Magic Mike! Have a fantastic day. {{Hugs}} again. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Great photo and Happy Birthday! Hope you get to do things you enjoy today.

  8. Happy Birthday to you!And you are a treasure to us in the blogging world that's for sure; your kind comments are always so welcome. That photo is wonderful and I can't live without chapstick or a variation of it too. I'm pretty sure I am addicted. Loved seeing your scrap organization and those beautiful blocks of yours. You and Mike have a great weekend.

  9. I love the sunset photo, you should have that framed! Oh I always have chapstick in my pocket, purse, vanity, one in my sewing room, in the car. No particular brand. A couple homemade ones with bees wax my friend made. Happy Birthday my friend!!!!

  10. Happy Birthday Diann!!!
    Love the sunset photo

  11. Happy birthday! What a cute card! I love the Gamache books - I might have to try these, then. What a cool sunset photo!

  12. Happy Happy Birthday! That makes this Thursday really special.

  13. Happy, Happy Birthday, Diann, and many more to come! Wonderful photo! My mom used to love Tony Hillerman. I think I’ve only read one of his, so maybe it’s time to continue in my mom’s footsteps!

  14. Happy Birthday, Diann. I hope your day was filled with blessings. Such a lovely cross stitch and card. I love it in blues. Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Fabulous photo! I wear Burt’s Bees brand of lip balm but not every day. I just read the open house dates for Then Came June studio in Oregon which is in two weeks; too bad you aren’t there then! Thanks for more book recommendations. :-)

  16. I'm late in wishing you a Happy Birthday, but I hope you enjoyed a lovely day! Such fun things in your post. I'm going to check out that author, since I'm almost caught up on the WKK books. That photo is so fun!

  17. great post and final photo! chapstick!
