Friday, July 8, 2022

Playing with purple

After several finishes in the month of June, it was lovely this week to just play with the purple fabrics.  I have to admit these are not all scraps, as I have a very small amount of those in purple, but now that I've cut into a few new fat quarters, new scraps are being created!  💜

Two Masala Box blocks:

This group of blocks just keeps getting prettier!

Pieces and parts for three Bloom baskets.   I'll use these for leaders and enders for the rest of the month.

And a seed of an idea for my July Table Scraps project, too.

Sharing at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday and at 


  1. I love this quilt. The jewel tones sparkle! Have a great weekend!

  2. I got my purple scrap box out at the first of the month and have yet to touch it. Seeing your Masala Boxes makes me want to start another one! Maybe next year ...

  3. Your purple blends in so nicely with the rest of the colors. And thank you for showing your clip caddy up close Thursday. It doesn't look hard at all.

  4. I like these - did they get done with your house or more loud work today?

  5. I love your purples! That reminds me of the pretty purples and lime green fabrics s you sent me that are waiting patiently for me in my projects closet. Makes me happy every time I see them.

  6. Beautiful purples, scraps or not! I especially love the Bloom blocks, as always.

  7. Great purple blocks. I love basket blocks especially. Purple is such a hard color to use, so not a surprise that many of us have few purple scraps.

  8. Your purple fabrics (scraps!) are so fresh! I really adore those Masala blocks.

  9. Great start on your purple RSC blocks!

  10. A great start on your purple blocks! I spy that Colorado Rockies fabric! Way to go!!

  11. how cool are those blocks!!! and gorgeous as the colors grow. I'm trying to get around to visit a bit today... hard to concentrate... sorry I've not been leaving comments Diann... my issues not lack of love!

  12. Beautiful purple blocks and the basket blocks are full of zing.

  13. It's always fun reading your blog and seeing what lovely blocks you have created each time.

  14. Gorgeous purple fabrics to play with. The box blocks look like a lot of fun to make. Happy quilting.

  15. So many fun things happening in your sewing room. I adore your bloom baskets. They're super joyful.

  16. I too love how your masala blocks look together. It will make a pretty quilt. Looking forward to seeing your seeds for the TSC grow. ;^)

  17. That gathering of boxes looks fantastic!
    And I'm always a sucker for baskets! Those purple ones warm my heart!

  18. Everyone of those boxes has been fabulous. Your purple scraps work beautifully in your basket blocks and I'm in suspense waiting to see what your table scraps project will be!

  19. Your RSC blocks are gorgeous. I sometimes have to raid fat quarters because some of the pieces in my block are too big for the size scraps I have. So I am also cutting into fat quarters. Your boxes look really great together. Oh, and those great basket blocks on point. I'm getting a hankering to make some baskets.... Uh, oh! I wonder if I'll succumb.

  20. Your purple blocks are looking great! Always fun to see your progress!

  21. Always fun to visit your studio - color and joy abound!!! Love the baskets and you know I am partial to the Masala Box blocks :-)
