Wednesday, July 20, 2022

I Like Thursday #294

As in other parts of the country, it has been HOT in Colorado lately.  Our small house doesn't have air conditioning, and honestly, most of the time we don't need it.  Colorado cools down at night, so our house usually does, too.  106 (and temps over 100 for multiple days in a row) is hard to combat.  Except like this:

Sitting with the fan blowing right on you!

I just finished the above book yesterday.  I saw it on multiple blogs, so got it from the library.  It's a good story, a writer and genre I usually like.  My only complaint might be that it's kind of long - the story probably could have been told in 300 pages instead of 500!

Of course, I'm always looking for simple meal ideas that don't require too much cooking.  I had a leftover boneless pork chop from the grill that we sliced up really thin and made a taco/fajita type meal out of.  A few sautéed peppers and onions are good on that.  And my favorite small spatula works really well for that job! (Thanks, LeeAnna, for the topic idea!)

This was a Dollar Tree find!

The bottom is great for scraping out smaller spaces
like a soup can.

The green beans don't seem to mind the heat.  They're growing!  I even picked a few last night.

We found this cute little spinner last week, and I thought this would be a fun place to put it.  The red and white polka dot petals spin around the center when the breeze is  blowing. 

You can see how dry the poor grass is.  We're just hot and dry here!

Fortunately, my sewing room is in the nice cool basement, and I've been playing my little flower garden of hexies.  This is my plan - I really had to eke out every last bit of the green floral to get enough for the outer border, but I think it will work.

Hope you're staying cool this week!

I'm joining in with I Like Thursday, hosted by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color


  1. I need one of those spatulas! Around here it's not the heat; it's the humidity. We've had fierce lightning storms several nights recently with drenching rain that creates a blanket of humidity when the sun comes out the next day.

  2. I have not read that book I will look for it. Sorry it is getting hot there too with no A/C - glad the basement is cool. I remember one time when we lived in Idaho many years ago (the first time - we were there two different times) the first time we rented a house and when it got hot we would retreat to the room in the basement that had several couches in it - must have been 10 degrees cooler in that room!

  3. your greenbeans look great! And I love the idea of slicing up the pork chop for fajita style dinner. I often have a lonely meat piece in my freezer and slicing it up with lots of seasoning is a great idea!

  4. I have a couple of similar spatulas and I use them often. This heat is really getting old, isn't it? But I'll take it over a snowstorm any day! I tend to skim read books like that, when they go too long and I start to lose interest. Your little quilt is very cute!

  5. love that wee spinner and the spatula. I just found out about spoontulas and forgot to mention it. It does not cool down here enough to sleep, but we're an hour south of you... It might cool down to high 70's by 6 AM,...
    your lunch sounds good. Agree on the book length which seemed to need an editor

  6. It's very hot here in Florida but we are inside most of the time. I need a good summer book to read. My mysteries get a little dark sometimes! Enjoy your week!

  7. Is everyone hot? We have been in the 90's almost daily for over a week. It was nice going up north to cooler temps. Love your spinner it is very cute. Great idea to use left over pork chops. I used to cut them up and throw them in some ramen with a hard boiled egg and green onion. My brother bought an air conditioner for a room which you just hook a tube up to the window. If it gets too unbearable that may be the way to go for those of you without the A/C. Oh and we don't get below 70 overnight right now.

  8. Hi Diann! The end of that spatula that is shaped for cleaning out a soup can is brilliant. I like Mary Kay Andrews' books but her old series about her cleaning company. I love the bright spot of the cute little spinner! That has to make you smile. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. I have one of those spatulas in green. And I have another thin one that is not tapered on the end. Love them! Your hexie's are looking nice, I'm glad you had just enough green to finish it.

  10. Mary Kay Andrews is such a good writer! Hope you can stay cool. I am grateful for central air conditioning. It was too hot for me to read on the shady patio this afternoon.

  11. Neat spatula! We've been warm, but not as warm as your neck of the woods! It cools down here at night, too, thank goodness!

  12. You can never have too many spatulas. I have a similar one in blue. I use the skinny end often. I’m really glad it cools off at night too! I like to sleep with windows open! I do need a lighter read after the last book. Mary Kay Andrews’ books make great summer reads!,

  13. I'll have to check and see if my New Mexico dream house has AC - lol! I'm glad your basement is cool. At least your hexie garden doesn't need water. ;) Your garden looks like it is thriving!

  14. Easy cool dinners are what I'm looking for. Last night we had k-bobs that I bought at the meat dept in the grocery store already marinaded...meat (lots of it), onions and peppers. Cooked rice and served a salad. Soooo good. I love your quilt top. I admire that you are doing so much hand piecing and quilting. At least I have a water cooler too help cool things down. It's dry here in Nevada and it works just fine....most of the time (except when there are fires around us).

  15. That sounds like a yummy dinner especially with the peppers and onions. Like that spatula too. I will have to keep my eye out at the DT. Your garden spinner is fabulous and reminds me of the sweet hexi flowers you are working on. Have a great weekend.

  16. Nice spatula, Diann. Fun color and a good price, too!

  17. Yup! When we lived in Colorado we had the necessary heat but no A/C. As you said, didn't really need it. Sure do miss the cool evenings since we're lucky if we get below 80 in the mornings here. Ugh! Are you growing bush beans (as opposed to vining ones)? I never got my beans planted this year and Mom & I are sure missing them. Yours look delicious!
