Monday, March 21, 2022

To-Do Tuesday #130

I'm joining in with Linda and friends at Texas Quilt Gal for the To-Do Tuesday link-up, sharing what I've been working on and my new list for this coming week.

Last week, I had the time to finish up some smaller projects, including my Table Scraps Quilt for March and a fun little shamrock mug rug for my mom.

I also made a little progress with the Full Stop Quilt top, which was the Rainbow Scrap Challenge sampler for 2021.  I am working on it in sections - adding filler background fabric to make the rows longer, sewing them together, and will trim later.  You can see how it's going so far in this picture.  When this section is completed, there will be three more rows to add to the top of it.

Also on last week's list was to do some cleaning and organizing in the sewing room, and I have been doing that.  What didn't show up in my photo last week was lots of dust and clutter on all of the horizontal surfaces in the room.  So I did a bunch of vacuuming and dusting and cleaning up.  Scrap management is ongoing! 

For this week's to-do list:
  • Keep going on the scrap sorting and trimming
  • More progress on Full Stop
  • I'd really like to get a couple of my embroidery designs finished up into small wall-hangings that will be gifts for friends later in the year.

Have a great week, everyone!


  1. That full stop quilt is amazing. Ah yes dust, I think i better get my vacuum out tomorrow! Scraps sure are an ongoing challenge.

  2. Your embroideries are so lovely. I would dust in my sewing room, but all the fabric gets in the way. Pretty sure I'd never be able to find anything again! :)

  3. I like your cutting mat with the darker squares in the middle. I'm on the look out for a new mat the lines on mine are getting quite worn in places. I had pulled one shelf out from under my table yesterday to retrieve something that had fallen and rolled under and saw so much dust that I ended up pulling both of the shelf units out and getting the dust mop in action

  4. I really like how your Full Stop is coming. I still need to pull mine out of the project box. Maybe when my ODD quilt is a flimsy. My long armers are due back home in April. So tops need to be completed.
    cleaning and scrap management is an ongoing job!

  5. Your quilt is fab and scrap sorting is a real bug bear to me.. I can't get organised to do it.

  6. Full Stop is really coming along, and working at it in sections is smart. Yay for cleaning and scrap management - sure makes you feel more motivated doesn't it!
    Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday!

  7. I hear you on the organizing!! I need to rearrange my studio for the arrival of a new quilting frame, but I can't even decide where to start!

  8. You are halfway there with Full Stop top, and it looks really pretty.
    You will make beautiful wall hanging with those embroideries. Your friends are very lucky to receive such special gifts made with love by you.
    Good luck with your list for this week, Diann!

  9. I need to tidy up my craft room desperately but I'd rather be crocheting hence it never gets done

  10. Lovely embroidery designs! They will make wonderful gifts.

  11. Sometimes it's necessary to just stop and do the cleaning, right? Those embroidery designs are so pretty, and the fabrics match well!

  12. Great progress on Full Stop and your scrap management, Diann! Looking forward to seeing what you decide for those sweet stitcheries.

  13. Full Stop is progressing well. We all need a stop and clean up now and again. Usually I do one when I'm getting ready to prep a quilt for quilting, then I want all the threads off the floor so a quilt top stays clean. Good luck with this week's list.
