Wednesday, September 1, 2021

I Like Thursday #251 - Hello September!

 September has to start with a pumpkin, right?!

This is the one, funky little pumpkin that my garden would grow this year.  Quite a few others appeared to start, but never developed into full-grown pumpkins.  Apparently I can grow cucumbers, but not pumpkins!

The pumpkin vine looked promising with lots of flowers, but...

On my to-do list this week is to finish up a recent embroidery design with some borders, and this is what I chose to work on.  I love the selvage on this one!  Hope you can see it - it says "Let your light shine" and the usual color dots are suns.  So cute!  It also has little bees in between the flowers which is perfect for this design.

This week we got a new sink installed in the kitchen.  It's so nice and bright and shiny!  I hope I can keep it that way.  

Also this week we watched two interesting movies that we really liked, although I wouldn't recommend them for everyone.  "A Quiet Place" and "A Quiet Place, Part 2." They are considered to be Horror/SciFi, and they do have nasty alien creatures.  If you've seen them, you know what I'm talking about.  But the fascinating thing to me about these movies is that the family in them communicates by sign language because their daughter is deaf.  And it's the kids who figure out how to defeat the nasty aliens!  

Emily Blunt and John Krasinski are the co-stars of these movies and they are also married, so that's kind of interesting, too!

Finally, I like that my mom is finally going to be released from the rehab center on Friday and be able to go to her new apartment!   We moved her things almost two weeks ago, but they weren't done working with Mom at rehab.  The last five weeks have been a long haul, but Mom is doing so much better.  I'm ready to move on!  

Joining in with LeeAnna and friends at Not Afraid of Color for I Like Thursday!


  1. I recognize that fabric bundle in your first photo!! I got two little pie pumpkins on my vines this year, but almost all the other winter squashes died. Glad to hear about your mom doing better.

  2. Perfect border for your little piece.

  3. What a beautiful table topper for that adorable pumpkin to sit on! What fabulous news to read that your Mom will be out of rehab soon. I'm sure she'll be as happy as you to be home too.

    PS Have you heard anything on the RSC color for Sept?

  4. that might be an interesting movie! I didn't try pumpkin but squash and it was a big failure - both varieties. My butternut squash that I got - 1 - was only about 3 inches in length and the bush dried up so the squash is in the house but when I cut it open I doubt it will be orange like it should be - the acorn squash - I got 2 both matured to only about 3 inches in diameter and were green on the inside when the plant dried up and they fell off - don't know what the problem was.
    So glad you mom will be coming to her new apartment now - I hope she will like it and be happy

  5. Their is one cute pumpkin! I’ve never grown pumpkins, but my neighbors seem to be having trouble too, this year. I think they must take tons of water! The fabric you chose for your stitchery is perfect! Interesting selvages are fun. Good luck on your sink! I vowed never to have a light colored one again! Mine needs to be scrubbed every day! Boring!

  6. I think that little pumpkin is cute! Your embroidery looks perfect with that happy fabric. I was just wondering about your Mom this morning when I couldn't sleep; so glad she is going to her new place. We have those movies on our watch list.

  7. Great news about your MOm!
    Lovel fabric...perfect too for that stitchery. I love white sinks the best and am not fond of all this stainless steel look these days.
    I enjoyed A Quiet Place with older grandson back when we could go to movies...we can again now which is great. I watched the second on tv and I liked both of the movies. Good acting and interesting aliens which aren't really in the movies that much. John and Emily are quite the talented pair.

  8. Cute little pumpkin on a pretty little quilt! I enjoy seeing those little messages on the selvages, too. SciFi/Horror, huh? Who knew?! Not sure I'll queue up for that one, but now you have me curious.

  9. I’m so glad your mom will back in her own place! I’ve watched both movies and really enjoyed them. Hugs,

  10. You are set for September whether Angela chooses orange or bright green, Diann!! :o))

  11. we saw a good movie, I have to remember to mention next week... thank goodness for movies! And pumpkins

  12. I remember your pumpkin table topper from last year. So very cute, and bright. Love the fabric for your stitchery. Don't you love interesting selvedges? Glad your mama is doing better. My dad had his kidney stone procedure finally on Tuesday, he is doing 1000% better!

  13. So happy Mom gets to move home Friday! What a great selvedge.

  14. Hi Diann! I think that looks like on fine pumpkin. He's a cute little guy! Go mom, go mom, go mom! Enjoy being back home! I know she will sleep so much better being amongst her own things. And you will relax and rejoice her rehab being over. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  15. If you're only going to get one pumpkin, at least it's a really cute one! lol. Lovely shiny sink. Yay for your mom being released. Enjoy the weekend!

  16. So glad to hear that Mom is doing better! I can't believe fall is knocking on the door. I tend to forget to bring the stuffed pumpkins out and enjoy them.

  17. So happy to hear Mom is on the mend! Love your lonely pumpkin!, your stitching and your new sink!

  18. It’s wonderful that your mom is being released from rehab! I hope she can stay healthy and avoid falls for a long, long time. And your pumpkin is darling!!

  19. Your pumpkin is cute. If you got a ton of rain like we did this year the blossoms rotted before they matured into pumpkins. Crazy summer its been. We are on watch again for hurricane. Henri and Ida blew thru now Larry. Nuts! Hoping I can at least quilt
