Saturday, March 6, 2021

Slow Stitching this Week

 Crocus in the garden...

Tulips in the sewing room!

This week I finished up the hand quilting and sewed the purple binding on.
Now the tulips are making my sewing room feel like Spring is on the way!

I'm joining with the Harmony Hand-pieced QAL this year, and have the first few blocks stitched.  Today's job will be to prep the pieces for the next blocks.

I've been hand-piecing two scrappy trips blocks each month as one of my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects this year.  This month's color is green!

I found a little chunk of penguins on green - had to include them!
Today I'll be finishing up this green block and cutting squares for the second, as well as working on my Harmony blocks.

Sharing at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.


  1. The tulip wallhanging is so happy!


  2. Love your tulip wallhanging! Love your little handmade blocks with those wee penguins! They are fun! It is so wonderful to see your crocus blooming!!! Spring must be coming! Just think we "spring ahead" our clocks next week! Have a great day sewing Diann! Stay safe and well!

  3. Oh I love your scrappy trip blocks. You have really embraced hand piecing haven't you? Your tulip wall hanging turned out so cute! I am really looking forward to seeing things bud here although I think our late artic freeze may have killed some things and really will delay others. UGH!

  4. love the scrappy blocks. and I love seeing that you are still enjoying hand piecing. People either take to it or they don't I find. Nice to find a flower in the garden and know spring is really and truly on the way.

  5. I love the tulips. I planted a few in the fall and they started popping up this week!

  6. Super sweet blooms and a darling little quilt finish!!

  7. I love the tulip wall hanging. How nice to see a crocus in the garden. Enjoy all of your pretty stitching.

  8. No bulbs blooming here yet, but we're due for a warm up this week with temps near 60 for two days, so who knows, maybe the reticulated iris will make an appearance or some crocus if the chipmunks have left any. Good thin you have some may hand-piecing projects to keep you busy while your machine is repaired. Hope it's done soon.

  9. Lovely blocks and flowers! I need to get outside in the afternoons and start weeding so I can see if I have anything coming up! Hope you have a great week!

  10. Love the penguins! I need to get off the computer and stitch up my harmony blocks.... I am behind! Love how yours are coming along. Those tulips came out great - perfect for spring.

  11. Sunshiny crocus in the garden and bright and happy tulips on your sewing wall; spring is indeed smiling at your place. Your little tulip quilt is such a happy and beautiful finish. Love the addition of the purple binding. Those little penguins are so sweet; of course you had to include them with all the other fabrics.

  12. Well, of course you need the penguin fabric in those blocks! You have lovely flowering things inside and out. Those crocus are so pretty, and I love the tulip blocks!

  13. Crocus, tulips and penguins, all is well and happy at your place!

  14. That purple binding is perfect for your tulips. Looks so pretty in your room. I'm impressed you are incorporating hand piecing in the RSC! Glad you found some penguins. ;)
