Wednesday, December 9, 2020

I Like Thursday #213

Happy Thursday, friends!  Thanks for visiting on "I Like Thursday," and be sure to check out the other positive posts at Not Afraid of Color.

I sure like all the blogging friends I have met over the years I've had this blog.  You all add a lot to my life, in so many ways!   Just this week, I watched a movie on Netflix recommended by Carole at From My Carolina Home.   "My Octopus Teacher" is about a diver/filmmaker in S. Africa who finds and befriends an octopus, and it is really amazing how they interact!

Thanks, Carole!

I like "Aha!" moments, and Wendy from Pieceful Thoughts of my Quilting Life is responsible for one of those this week, after I commented on her Instagram post showing a paper-pieced house block she made from Twiggy and Opal's pattern.  I commented that I had purchased the same pattern, but I didn't know where I had put it.  Because of Wendy's suggestion on how to find where I had saved it, now I can make more of those adorable houses.  

See, Wendy, here it is!  😉

Here's the first of these that I made.  It's the 6 inch size.  The above pieces are for a 4 inch size!

I like making funny little things I find on the Internet, sometimes on the spur of the moment, like this angel (made from two masks)!  

I like the amazing weather we've been having in Colorado this week.  A friend and I went for a walk by the lake, and enjoyed this beautiful view!  Snow is supposed to be coming this afternoon, so I'm glad we could take advantage of the good weather while it lasted.

Pickles is one of my favorite comics, and I read it every morning.  I loved this one from the other day!  Earl's sense of humor reminds me of my husband, Mike.

Do you send out Christmas cards?  We usually do photo cards that have a picture from somewhere we've traveled during the year.  Here's this year's photo...

Merry Christmas 2020
from our dining room!

Have a great day, everyone!


  1. Sweet list of Likes. Love the mask angel. I was surprised to see so much flatness in your lake photo. I picture you in the midst of the mountains.

  2. Glad you found your pattern Diann! That mask angel makes me smile. Love your Christmas card photo.

  3. That little house block is really cute! So is the angel mask, you have to find your own fun sometimes. Love your photo card for 2020. I imagine there be a lot of those this year.

  4. So glad you enjoyed My Octopus Teacher, quite an extraordinary show. Thanks for the Pickles laugh!

  5. All great likes this week. I miss reading Pickles. I never remember to look at the comics in the digital edition of our local paper. Guess I should make that a goal for the coming year.

  6. Oh I like your card! That's a cute photo and a clever idea! Enjoy your day!

  7. So glad you found your pattern, and love the little penguins in the windows of your house! That's a fun photo of the two of you, and the comic makes me chuckle. Good post!

  8. So enjoyed your post today, I saw the mask angel and need to share with our daughter the.nurse! LOL, love the little house with the penguins in the window! And your Christmas Card picture is truly the best!

  9. Hi Diann! I'm so glad you could keep with your tradition of sending out a photo. Your dining room made a nice backdrop! I'm glad you could shed the masks for the photo! We've had some nice weather the last two days - 55 and 57 degrees. That's just amazing for December. Of course, we're supposed to have snow on Saturday. Happy Thursday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. Oh your post made me giggle. Love your house block, and the penguins in the window screamed Diann. Love your greeting card photo. Great likes.

  11. We've had some frigid temps here! But today was pleasant enough to get the mail without freezing! LOL

  12. A turkey and some mistletoe - LOL. I like your adventure outfits to travel to the dining room. What a year. Your little house block is cute!

  13. from the dining room huh - LOL yes that is how most of us have done it. I love your little house - we have had nice weather too and now tomorrow it will start to change to go back to early winter

  14. I got a good chuckle over your Christmas card photo. Yup, big trip to the dining room! Lol! Cute house block and glad you re-found the pattern. I just watched a movie about an elephant sanctuary and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll be looking up your recommended movie for Mom & me this weekend. Thanks!

  15. Great likes! I love your Christmas card photo and the Pickles cartoon! Loved your house block--So cute! Have a great day and stay safe!

  16. awe you two are so cute. Befriending an octopus... thats just so cool

  17. That picture of you and Mike cracked me up! It made my day!! xo
