Monday, October 26, 2020

To-Do Tuesday #61

 Happy Tuesday!  I'm checking in today with my weekly to-do list and linking up with Roseanne and friends for the To-Do Tuesday linky party at Home Sewn By Us

It's been a great week for making progress on my to-do list, and that's always a good feeling!  

The Rainbow Zigzags are all sewn together into a quilt top!

Also, the Double 4 Patch blocks are all completed, and I've pulled them off the design wall to start sewing them together.

The pieces and parts I had cut for my October Color Challenge Block are about halfway sewn together.  It won't take long to finish up this block!

Best of all, the last bit of quilting is finished on my Color Gradient Quilt, binding is made, and I'm ready for a finish on this one!

I really love this yellow block!

For the coming week, I'm going to keep things simple!

  1. Sew the binding on to the above quilt and finish it up, plus write a post for sharing by Saturday.
  2. Finish up the October Color Challenge block and write a post about that project, too! 
How have you done with your to-do list this week?  Looking forward to checking in with all my quilty friends over at Home Sewn by Us


  1. Rainbow ZigZags and the Double 4-patch are so pretty! Looks like your other projects are coming along well.


  2. Wow you are getting so much done! Love all these projects! Have a great week!

  3. Lots of pretty stuff going on in your studio! I love that yellow block.

  4. Woohoo! Time to start something new.

  5. all of the blocks are coming along so well - I do not remember seeing those stars before and I just love them. Every time I see all of your lovely RSC zigzags it reminds me to get busy and make my yellow October blocks and here it is almost the end of the month and I have started them

  6. Love your star blocks! They are one of my favorites!!

  7. Boy did you ever have a good week! Good thing to keep it light this week, you need to rest up;) I am sure you will find something else you 'need' to work on.

  8. You have really been getting things done - I do love those zig zags! Your October block is pretty too! Can't believe we're at the end of the month already!

  9. Hi Diann! Love, love, LOVE the zig zags. How cool do they look?!! Just the perfect transition from color to color. I definitely want to make this next year. Oh, and don't forget to finish your October block and link it up! The linky party is open on Jen's website. I'm looking forward to seeing the Color Gradient - a great way to end the month. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. Yes, you are very productive lately! A quilt nearly to the finish line and more waiting in the wings! I’m a bit stalled on the finishing front. Planning ahead for our holidays road trip! Trying to have all procedures in place.

  11. As always, everything is just wonderful! I can't believe how much you get done each month!

  12. Hi Diann! Yay, a finished zig zag top--looks great! And so much other progress--a good week!

  13. Congrats on all the progress last week. You've really been moving projects along. Good luck with this week's goals. I'm looking forward to seeing your gradient quilt finish.
