Wednesday, October 28, 2020

I Like Thursday #208 - Things to Laugh About and a DrEAMi

Sometimes the contrasts from one day to the next around here make me laugh!  Here I was on Saturday, working on some yard cleanup with the lawn mower.

And then this was Sunday:

And then this reading on the thermometer a few days later:

I don't know if you can see it, but in the top left corner it says -1 degree!  Brrr!
That's pretty cold for October around here!  You have to love Colorado! :)

Here's how that left me feeling!

I think fall is back for awhile, because we got up to 60 degrees today, and the snow is melting.  We didn't even need coats for our afternoon walk today!

Meanwhile I had a true "Drop Everything and Make It" moment the other day.  

Cribbage is a favorite card game in our family, and Mike and I play a game every night while we are eating dinner.  I decided our board needed its own placemat!

Using a leftover strip set and some border fabric to make it the right size.

Some simple quilting and a red binding fabric:


Hard to believe, but it's the last week of October.  Happy Halloween!

Thanks for visiting on "I Like Thursday!"  Check out all the other positive Thursday posts at Not Afraid of Color.


  1. I don't blame you. That is some crazy weather fluctuations. Love your new mat. I grew up playing cribbage,I learned when I was 3 years old (only child for many years!).

  2. I thought Oklahoma weather was quick changing. Seems like Colorado is the same. We had our fist taste of winter, freezing rain hit the state hard this week. Luckily we missed out on the worst of it. But my Mom didn't have power for the better part of two days. SITs college canceled classes as many students didn't have power so they couldn't attend on line classes. Seems a bit earlier for this type of weather. Fingers crossed it's not a sign of things to come. If so, I'd definitely like to cancel the subscription to winter.

  3. weather can be so crazy - one day last week we went from 80 in the morning to 42 by supper time - in the 40's for several days straight but by next week by in the 60's - at this time of year in one day you can have early fall to winter

  4. Diann, I love those photos of you, and that is quite the contrast. -1° is terribly cold! I read that where we used to live in Oklahoma had a devastating ice storm from that system, and even here in north Texas was close to freezing with several days of cold temperatures.
    Your cribbage mat is a great, cute idea, and I love your Halloween decorations.

  5. Crazy weather here too but I remember CO weather always impressed with fluctuations. Fred & I like to play cribbage too but haven't in quite some time. Maybe we ought to get our board out and play again too! Love your game mat!

  6. Crazy weather you are having there! I love your Cribbage runner! It's perfect! I hope you are going to have some nice weather before winter really roars in! Hugs!

  7. In contrast, Zeta went through here last night. When I woke I asked DH "where's the ark?" We haven't played cribbage since our boys outgrew camping. I need to find our board and give it a try.

  8. Oh, my, what a change from Saturday to Sunday! Then back to 60! Holy cow. We got the brunt of the Zeta storm in the early hours this morning, but I think we've seen the worst of that. The sad news is all the wind brought down the leaves, so our trees are looking bare.

  9. wowie! Great pics to show the crazy drop in Temps, then it's rise again. It wasn't that warm here yesterday but might be today if the sky remains smoke free and the sun shines down. We'll take the mums back out of the garage for some days.
    thank you Diann for looking for things to like, keeping us going. I love the idea of cribbage, which I love playing, having a resting place

  10. You guys really got dumped on on Friday night and Saturday. At least, it dampened the fires for a little bit! I like your cribbage mat! What a great idea. Playing a game like that, regularly with your honey, is so cool! My friend and her husband do that over morning coffee. I don’t think it’s cribbage, but some kind of card game. It’s a good way to connect!

  11. LOL. I like your letter to Mother Nature. I've heard a bunch of people talking about snow. We may get our first tomorrow! Isn't it fun to do a little quilt that's useful like that? :-) Happy Halloween.

  12. I love the idea of a cribbage placemat! We're bridge players in our family, I was trying to think about something I could make for that. Not really anything for the table, but maybe a little pouch to hold the score pad and two decks of cards. We've mostly been playing online during quarantine, but it's good to at least see people virtually. The change of weather is just crazy. We had it here too- unfortunately I was not smart enough to do the fall yard cleanup last weekend when it was warm and dry, and now after the ice storm, everything is melting puddles and mess everywhere. It's warming up here too, but it'll take a while for everything to dry out....

  13. Wow! Crazy weather, Diann. You're cribbage mat turned out cute! Don't you just love the exhilaration of a DrEAMI project?

  14. Guess I should stop complaining about our gloomy, rainy, 40 degree weather. I'm never ready for below zero temps, but definitely not in October. Cute cribbage board mat. That's a game I've never played. We are getting our first killing frost tomorrow night with some snow flurries brought on by Hurricane Zeta, if you can believe it. Great meme for canceling subscription to winter.

  15. Hi Diann! WOWEE - those are some extreme temperature changes. Yes, please cancel that subscription. It was tempting to try the subscription but it just didn't work out. HAHA! I love the cribbage board placemat and I love playing cribbage, too. I haven't done so in years though - time to start playing again. Finally, your little Boo vignette looks so cute. Just perfect for the holiday. ~smile~ Roseanne

  16. Hi,
    Here in North East Indiana, we have been having rain...lots of rain for the month of October. We have only woke up to 2 days of 30 or below days. Love your Cribbage place mats..really cut. Have a great day!

  17. I like your cute BOO quilt and decorations! It looks like winter has arrived in much of the country. We are ready for a little cool down here this weekend too but it won't be cold in Florida! Hugs!

  18. We do not have the wild fluctuations in temps....usually just moving downward this time of year. And also more rain than in the spring so that adds to the general grayness. Oh Dear. Anyway, Lots of quilty goodness in this post Diann. You have been so productive which is good. I like the idea of making useful things like your mat as well just can't seen to muster the interest, LOL.

  19. What fun photos - definitely a contrast! Love the meme, too. I can relate. We have snow on the ground, but the ground is definitely not frozen - the septic guys are here and the heavy equipment is leaving deep, muddy ruts in our yard. It's just a mess, but I'm glad they are getting the work done. We haven't played cribbage in years, but it used to be my husband's favorite (he always wins).

  20. We got snow today too! Way too early! I haven't played cribbage since college! It was very popular for awhile. Love your quilt projects!

  21. That’s like Minnesota weather! I love your little mat for your cribbage board <3 My husband and I keep talking about playing cribbage, so I like your traditions of playing while you eat.

  22. We went from the mid-80's down to the mid-20's--and now back to 50's and 60's. I really struggle with the up and down! Never learned to play cribbage but it always looked interesting. Maybe I'll get hubs to teach me this winter.

  23. Colorado seems very much like Alberta! They were freezing about that time and then this weekend all crazy warm. As I type, 3000 km (2k miles) to the southeast of Alberta where I am, there is an Alberta clipper, an actual weather phenomenon, roaring in! Thank goodness it didn't bring snow. I love the idea of playing cribbage during supper! We usually watch Escape to the Country or something pleasant on Netflix like Down to Earth...but we used to play when we were first married, so hmm, may have to rekindle that. I love how many times you have true DrEami projects, and I love the red binding on the yellow, another great red colour combo! Thanks for linking up!

  24. Very funny weather description post!! I would guess (without reading your profile) that you live in the Rockies because that sounds like the weather around here.
