Wednesday, October 14, 2020

I Like Thursday #206

It's Thursday, and time to share our likes for the week!  You can find lots more fun, positive posts at LeeAnna's place, Not Afraid of Color.

While this is not necessarily something to like this week, it is something I had to share because it is the talk of our town and region.  Due to high winds, the Cameron Peak Fire kind of blew up yesterday, and here's how the sky looked about noon as we were going into the grocery store.

Earlier in the week, Mike caught this great shot of a chickadee at our feeder!

We've had tons of birds flitting around the yard and at the feeders in recent days.
Lots of robins, nuthatches, chickadees, even juncos which we normally only see in the winter.

I am seeing my favorite birds better these days because I have new glasses, and the prescription is correct this time!  I lived with the wrong prescription for longer than I should have, and then went to a new eye doctor who did an excellent job.  And I can see again!

I bought the glasses from Costco Optical, 
and I really like their service also.

On a beautiful day last week, my quilt group was able to meet, with social distancing, at a park.  We had not met in person since early March.  

I loved this book this week!  I'm pretty sure Colette recommended it, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Thanks, Colette!

And, finally, I saw this and had to share it.  It is speaking to me as we continue to navigate my mom's situation.

Have a great rest of the week, everyone!


  1. Oh that is terrible that the fire kicked back up. Great pic of the chickadee. I was talking with a neighbor about our invasion of bluejays. I had never seen one before around here, she told me that in the 30+ years that they have lived here they have never seen them either. Yay for new glasses, and social distance meetings.

  2. That photo of the smoke - wow! Yes that IS a great shot of the chickadee at your feeder. Glad you were able to meet with your quilt group. Yay on your glasses! I wear contacts, but I sometimes wear glasses at night, and that prescription has been wrong for 5 years. My current optometrist keeps asking if I want to change it, but my eyes are so weird that my glasses cost an arm and a leg, so I just keep them. Thinking of you as you work through issues with your Mom.

  3. I saw the photo of the smoke last night on the news and immediately thought of you - I hope it is better under control and the smoke is not as bad - that really makes for harder breathing when it is like that. Great to new glasses isn't it it is always so nice to see better

  4. That cloud formation is both beautiful and threatening at the same time. We have pretty much the same mix at our feeder. The grosbeaks must have been just passing through. There is a family of boy cardinals that are quite competitive at the feeder.

  5. Hi Diann! Holy moly - that SMOKE. I thought it was a huge thunderstorm. I am so sorry to hear the fire flared up again. Yay to having the correct prescription in your eye glasses. I've had a bit of an issue with my sunglasses - I really should take them back but I think it's been too long now. Yippee for a quilt meeting! It looks like it was a beautiful day for an outside gathering. Oh {{hugs}} for you and your mom. It is so hard to be far away. I know you just want to go and get it all organized. I'll step up my prayers for everything falling into place. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Those fire clouds are menacing!! I forgot to say last week how sorry I am for your mom’s fall. Figuring that all out for her care and safety is such an ordeal. Hopefully, she is healing well. Too bad you can’t get her help at home instead of moving which is so involved for all. Oh dear, I feel for you. Take care. Mary

  7. Hi,
    I have my new glasses on order, hopefully I'll be able to see better. My book club has it's first meeting since March like your quilt was really great! I've added your book to my TBR list...sound like a great book. Have a great day!

  8. That smoke photo is amazing. Wow. Our feeder has been crazy-busy. They're fun to watch, aren't they? Yay for seeing better! And how nice to see your quilt group in person - looks like it was a beautiful day. Good likes this week!

  9. It's been quite the fire season out your way this year! Nice capture of the chickadee at the feeder!! I'll have to check out that book.

  10. we had a LOT of the smoke and ash from the flare up. Your photo is astounding... worthy of some kind of photography award/exhibit. The book looks fun, thank you Diann for always finding things to like, for encouraging me with your energy. Best to you and dh

  11. Holy smokes! That looks ominous! I’m glad you got to meat with your quilting group. We will meet tomorrow. I hope it goes well.
    In home care could be an option for your mom, but of course you know the details! Breathe and things will get better. My mom always said, “This too shall pass”.

  12. That fire looks WAY too close for comfort!! I'm glad one of us has new glasses, Diann. I am having trouble with seam allowances and squaring up, as I need a new prescription, too! It looks like a you and your friends had a glorious day to visit. My group is hoping to meet in-person soon.

  13. Oh that sky looks so scary, I hope it isn't too close to you.
    I need new glasses too, I've been taking mine off to use the computer, sewing machine and longarm! If I don't I end up with a hurting neck and headache because of bad posture. But mine are costly too, so I'll wait it out a while longer. How fun to finally get together with your quilt group. I miss not sewing with friends.

  14. I saw that smoke cloud on the national news tonight and like Roseanne, I thought it was a thunderstorm rolling in. And you were right there to see it in person and get a picture. It must have been so good to get to meet with your quilt group in person. Our group has met twice and we hope to go on a ten person retreat in early December, but we'll be watching the Covid numbers in our area closely. New glasses are always welcome even if the cost of them is not. Hope you have a good weekend with calm weather and lots of sew time.

  15. I've seen that book somewhere else, too, so I added it to my list--esp since I can access the audiobook! Thx. I like the "necessities" too. I hope all works out well with your mom. I know it's all difficult!

  16. There have been remarkable photos of the skies and the fires, like this one. Amazing what's happening. Beautiful photo tell Mike. I find the chickadees and the nuthatches hang out together at the feeders it seems. We use Costco too for glasses and I can't believe you went that long without the perfect prescription. Especially with all the sewing you do...embroidery in particular. Lovely sentiments and may I add my wish too that it works out with your mom.

  17. That smoke is very scary! I hope and pray you get rain in that area to put out the fires. Love the quilt group photo and I'm glad you got new glasses. I have on a pair of new ones too but I'm not completely satisfied. I may have to go somewhere else next time too. Hugs!

  18. Yikes! I didn’t realize you were that close to the fire. Stay safe. I wonder if some of the migratory birds you’re seeing have been temporarily displaced by the fire? At any rate, lucky you for getting new glasses (on my list) and for getting to meet up with your guild! We need to savor those things before cold weather takes away some options.

  19. That's quite a photo of the smoke from the fire. It has to feel good to be able to visit with your quilting buds for a bit. I really like the meme at the end. Very, very true.

  20. That's quite the foreboding shot of the smoke plume! I take it all is well for you though? Our quilt guild has met this month outside on lawns in parks just like your group. Have to speak up pretty loudly with masks and distance though, lol! We haven't figure out winter meetings though, so we're going to try Zoom meetings. Not the same, but a way to stay connected.
