Wednesday, September 2, 2020

I Like Thursday #200 - September 2020

Thursday has rolled around again and I'm joining in with LeeAnna and friends at Not Afraid of Color where we share our likes for the week.  

I like September because it means fall and cooler weather and pumpkins and the color orange!  I really like orange -

Orange marigolds in a mason jar:

The last of the homegrown carrots from our garden:

A miniature pumpkin hiding under the leaves:

And this orange Kona fat quarter I found in my drawer of solids.  Would you call this Cheddar?  I would love to include this in a project, but what goes with it?

Not orange, but last week I shared that I started doing a little knitting on a dishcloth.  I thought this was a fun photo of my dishcloth when it was getting closer to being finished!

It's finished now, and I started a new one with some striped yarn, and it looks like it will be a fun one, too.

I'm finding the knitting is very soothing and a good evening activity!

Hope your September is off to a good start!  
Join us for more positive posts at Not Afraid of Color!


  1. I love orange too. I think navy blue works well with Orange

  2. Orange is definitely a fantastic color. Remember the showstopper stars in my quilt Oh My Stars!? Of course they were orange! Lol! Your dishcloths are looking good. As for your orange-ish cheddar FQ? Any Fall color would go well with it. Think navy, brown, maroon, even green!

  3. I think sometimes cheddar was used as a neutral. Love the dish cloths. Love your little mason jar bouquet.

  4. Pair your cheddar with chips and salsa, LOL!!! I love September, and fall is on the way. I just hope this heat will abate so we can enjoy it.

  5. Start with blue, it's complement. I didn't think I liked orange because I had an orange plaid dress in high school and didn't think it looked good on me. Then I was forced to work with orange at the very first retreat I went to -- I had only been quilting a few months -- and realized that the orange made the other bland fabrics sparkle. After that I went through a serious "orange phase" and still have some of those fabrics to prove it.

  6. I’m ready for fall, too! Some fall decor is on display, I have a lot more, an orange tote in the utility room is full of fall, Halloween and Thanksgiving stuff! Your dish cloth may not truly be orange, but it has a fall vibe. Can you point me to the instructions you are using for your dish cloth?

  7. Love all the orange!!! It's a fav color of mine.

  8. Awesome orange to usher in autumn, Diann!!

  9. I love those dish cloths. My mother recently passed away and she made tons of them. Fortunately, I have saved some new ones that she has made since I am unable to make them.

  10. Love the marigolds against that table runner. I have not been successful with my carrots - but there are a few I hope to harvest this month. Blue, purple or white would go with that cheddar, I'd think.

  11. Hi Diann! That cheddar Kona solid look very similar to the mini pumpkin. I'd say green goes with it since the pumpkin is surrounded by leaves. I love seeing your knitting! The stripes are fun, too. ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. Hi Diann. Love all those colors coming soon for my favorite season-fall. Cute wash rags. I think a royal blue or emerald green would be pretty with that fabric.

  13. If I were to guess, I'd say that Kona calls that "School Bus" - it's cheddar to me. A black print with a bit of orange, a pretty olive-y green, a golden yellow, maybe some red. I'm thinking pumpkin and crow, like the patterns from Laugh Yourself Into Stitches. She has some fun fall patterns. Or, just play around with improv and create some funky pumpkins . . .

  14. Just out of curiosity, I did a Google search on Quilts using cheddar and came up with a lot of hits. There are a ton from Pinterest. Bonnie Hunter loves cheddar, too, so you might check out her blog. I have some self-seeded marigolds that are a vibrant orange. It's interesting that the self-seeded marigolds grew much bigger and had more flowers than the nursery grown seedlings I planted. Enjoy your holiday weekend.

  15. Love your garden pics and your marigolds are so pretty! That table runner is adorable too! That cheddar goes with a lot of colors, the Pennsylvania Dutch use it all the time here. Agree with Wendy, check out pinterest!

  16. Super cute mini pumpkin! My pumpkins are all white. I didn't know I bought a white pumpkin plant.
