Saturday, August 8, 2020


When I shared the beginnings of this tabletopper last week, Preeti commented that the colors reminded her of popsicles, and that seemed like the perfect name for this summery project!   Pretty pastel mini charm squares mixed with sunny yellow and cool blues - I've really enjoyed finishing this one up this week.   This is Kathleen McMusing's Mini-Charm Tablerunner.

Quilting all finished.

Backing is some more sunny yellow from my stash, and binding is a light blue Grunge.  Hand stitching the binding to the back is one of my favorite kinds of slow-stitching!

I think this will be a favorite tablerunner to keep on our dining room table during these hot late-summer months!

And for additional slow-stitching, I've been working on some little embroidery designs like this one.   It won't take long to finish it up later this afternoon!

There's definitely truth in that statement!  

Sharing at Quilting is more fun than Housework for Oh Scrap and Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching. 

Also sharing at Sandra's August DrEAMi link-up!


  1. Popsicles looks so cool on your table!

  2. Don't you just love watching the transformation of each step of a project from start to finish. Your little blue runner is so pretty. I have that sewing machine block done also. I better get the rest drawn for this weeks handwork. I think I only have two left.

  3. Popsicles is the perfect name for your pretty table runner. Such gorgeous coloured fabrics. Ahh yes, sewing is indeed balm to the soul, especially in these troubles times.

  4. Love your table-running popsicles!
    And I'm a big fan of handstitching bindings, too. Such a soothing activity!

  5. Ooh, I liked your Popsicles table runner before it was quilted, but after--wow! The embroidered sewing machine block is adorable, and right, sewing does mend the soul. Or at least it definitely helps.

  6. I agree the name is perfect for this runner! The quilting is just right for the design too!

  7. Beautiful table runner and great name too! Love your new stitchery!

  8. Such a summer fresh quilt, lovely colors! I like the hand whipping of binding too.

  9. I like how the center of this table runner pops on the dark background. You embroidery is very pretty too. What a nice saying.

  10. Your little Popsicle topper is the perfect project for a summertime topper.
    Love the saying, too.

  11. Pretty! Looks great on the table, too!

  12. Oh so pretty on your table!!!!!! The embroidery saying is so true!

  13. What a lovely finish, Diann! It looks so nice on your table. I didn't realize it was a pattern of Kathleen's - how fun is that?!

  14. Congrats on a super sweet finish, Diann!!

  15. Pretty little stitchery project, and such wonderful words too.

  16. Pretty little finish. Love the colors. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  17. This is such a cutie table runner! Love the little stitcheries that you have been working on, too! :)

  18. Your "Popsicles" table runner came out great, and yes -- love the name! Did you plan how perfectly your yellow accent fabric matches that cup and saucer?!

  19. Diann - I love the colors you've used for this runner. The dark border just really draws the eye into the pattern of the center blocks. Fun, fun!

  20. What a pretty table runner and the name popsicles is perfect. Exactly what it looks like.
    The words of the cute stitcheries are so true. :-)

  21. Beautiful job on the table runner! So cheerful.

  22. I'm calling mine Coco Puffs since I used the same charm pack, LOL! Love your version. I am struggling with using a bright pink and aqua blue for the sashing and borders. I love yours and how it pops on the darker border fabric.

  23. Perfect name for your table runner. Those colors look really refreshing, like a berry popsicle. A nice set of projects for some relaxing slow stitching. Hope you got lots in over the weekend.

  24. Beautiful sunny reminders of summer in your new table runner. I don't know what popsicles are, but the colours pop just nicely!

  25. So I wasn't the only one thinking of popsicles while I sewed around the same timeframe! So nice to see this pretty table runner and I do love the embroidered saying, so true. Thank you for linking up with DrEAMi!
