Wednesday, August 19, 2020

I Like Thursday #198

Fall is coming, people!  And I have proof!

Remember this little green pumpkin?

This picture was taken a little over a month ago.

Here's how it looks now!  I'm telling you, fall is coming!

I enjoy gardening, but I have to admit it's all kind of a mystery to me.  Our current garden is a 3 ft x 4 ft raised bed, which says "small" to me.   But look at our pumpkin plant!

When I looked up closer, I discovered two more pumpkins growing.  Maybe they'll ripen closer to the actual pumpkin time!

We've been enjoying homegrown tomatoes for awhile, and then I discovered I also had cucumbers ready to eat!  Small, but so yummy!

I really like hand-piecing so (needing a new evening slow stitching project) I've been playing with a mini charm pack of 30s Playtime, stitching the squares into 4 patches.  I decided to add some solid corner triangles to get a diamond in a square effect.   These will make something small, probably doll quilt sized.

The other night I realized that these are all sweet little floral prints -
a fabric garden!

Hope you're having a great week!  I'm joining in with LeeAnna and all the I Like Thursday bloggers over at Not Afraid of Color.



  1. Yay! Cute pumpkin. I love the little 30’s fabrics. They will make an adorable little quilt. I have been enjoying reading your blog and look forward to you updates and projects! 😊

  2. I am not looking forward to fall. I love fall, but it seems like summer is just too short. Great pumpkin. Yay for fresh veggies, all of my cucumbers went to supplement the piggies diets.

  3. You did far better with your little garden than I did with mine.

  4. Yes, I do hope fall gets here soon. I am ready for cooler weather.

  5. I hope the new little pumpkins ripen for you on time - I have so many green tomatoes right now that I think I will be canning a lot all at one time when they make the move the red.

  6. Your little garden seems to be doing well. My 2 tomato plants were for disaster. They were in pots, so I moved them to the north side of the house. The leaves look better on #2, but no tomatoes. Flowers, no tomatoes. I have 7 green tomatoes on #1 plant. I'd like to try squash or pumpkin next year.
    Do you trim of the pinked edges of your mini charms before you sew them? I dislike the edges, I never get the seams just right on the machine. I like your little 4-patch in a square blocks.
    Have a great week. Stay clear of the smoke if possible.

  7. I'm so envious of your tomatoes! I can't get any to grow for me except the cherry ones. The nice sandwich tomatoes just get all nasty and buggy. I think we have too much humidity. Adorable little 4-patches!

  8. pumpkins! pretty and home grown cukes taste so much better. I love handsewing too

  9. I want to be able to piece squares and triangles! My attempts have been super wonky. Any tips?

  10. I want fall so bad but it’s about 2 months away here. Love your pumpkins, tomatoes and cukes. There is nothing better than home grown.

  11. A pumpkin? Already??? A fabric garden sounds delightful, Diann.

  12. I've decided that between the critters and the crazy weather, the only way I can have flowers is in fabric. I can wait on fall a little longer if the temps stayed in the 70s like the last two days.

  13. Cooling down overnight here so yes, certainly fall is on the way. Boo hoo!
    Love flowery fabric especially those thirties like prints. I needed more when I worked on the Farmers' Wife years ago. Great piecing.
    Oh yes, love your pumpkin. Aren't they the best colour!

  14. Your fabric garden is beautiful! I love all of the bright cheery colors!

  15. What an adorable pumpkin. I'm with you on the gardening. lol My plants are all over the place. My squash are blooming like crazy, but not a single fruit. :-( Cute little blocks.

  16. What an adorable little punkin! How fun to have a raised bed garden that size. Just right, I'm thinking! Will be fun to watch your hand piecing take shape!

  17. Fall is definitely around the corner, we saw our first monarch this week. It's just about time for migration to get going, a sure sign of fall here. A very cute little pumpkin. Hope you get more in time for Halloween. You picked a great new project for the hand stitching. Happy stitching (and gardening).

  18. Such a sweet project. And I am ready for fall!!! Bring it.

  19. Yay - pumpkins turning! I planted some different types of winter squash and a pumpkin plant. The leaves and vines look so alike to me. Hopefully mine will turn orange too some day!

    Lovely read!

  20. I love your little floral prints. I find them so cheerful! I always look forward to fall after the heat of the summer but always think the summer is short. Winter seems to drag on forever. Love your pumpkin!

  21. From you lips to God's ears about fall coming! We've been 100+ for so long! Your floral squares are so cute! I'm so glad you shared them!
