Wednesday, August 5, 2020

I Like Thursday #196

Good morning, friends!  Here we are, almost a week into August - hard to believe.  In another lifetime, I would have been preparing to go back to school, but this year I'm very thankful to be retired!  

Instead, I'm enjoying my garden!

We've seen this guy a few times over the last week or so.  When I water the garden, he comes climbing out, as if trying to escape the flood!

We think he is probably a European mantid which
 evidently is very common in Colorado.

My flowers are pretty right now.

I didn't plant any pink petunias this year, just purple, 
so I'm not sure where the pink ones came from!   

Larkspur and marigolds

I love Colorado peach season, and it's here!  Yum!

The other day when I was doing my parking lot waiting, I did a little walking on the Wellness Path by the hospital, and came across this labyrinth.

Kind of an interesting place to walk - makes you slow down 
and think about where you're going - not a bad experience at all!

This very poignant plaque was set at the entrance to the area.

In my Sunday post I shared some sweet little embroidery designs I had just traced and now I have two of them stitched.  They have been so enjoyable to work on, and go quickly!

They'll need a lot of pressing after I finish all four!  
I think I might make them into a small wall-hanging for my sewing room.

Hope you're having a good week!  Thanks for visiting on "I Like Thursday."  Don't forget to check the other positive posts at Not Afraid of Color!


  1. What a nice post - Right away I noticed the table mat under the bowl of yummy peaches. Those fabrics look awfully familiar!! That was a Blogger Bundle, right? Carole's bundle I believe!
    Love the rogue pink petunias - I love when that sort of surprise happens. :-)

  2. Awe nice post. Your flowers are gorgeous. I have some purple and white ones in the middle of my red petunias. Love the larkspur. Your stitcheries are gorgeous. The labyrinth is very cool.

  3. there has been times when I have had petunias seed themselves - here it is not unusual but you do not count on them as sometimes you get them but just as often you don't. They are all so pretty - I always love the flowers of the mountain states - I think you all have prettier flowers as the cool nights seem to make them grow better. Love the peaches

  4. Hi Diann! Oh, Colorado peaches are just the best. When my mom was alive we always got a case of them. After gouging on them fresh on breakfast cereal we would make jam and cobblers. What fabulous memories I have of her and of the peaches. I can still smell them in my mind. The labyrinth on the walking path is fabulous!! I wonder how many folks take a moment to walk it? Cute little embroidery pieces. My mind immediately goes to S is for Slimy - too much Sesame Street. I'd be thankful to be retired, too - it's crazy out here! ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Your pink petunia must be a volunteer from last year. I have some that volunteer in our geranium pot because a couple years ago I planted petunias in there. Mine is pink also!

  6. You and I both have bugs in our posts today - great minds think alike, maybe? Your flowers are so bright and colorful! Have you seen Prairie Moon Quilts' recipe for peach bombs? I'm going to try it once I get more peaches. It sounds tasty!

  7. The labyrinth is so cool! I don’t think our hospital walk has one. I glad you are getting in some good slow stitching time too!

  8. Oh, I recognize that fabric bundle too! I'd love to have a praying mantis stay in our garden, they eat an amazing amount of bugs.

  9. Glad to hear someone has been enjoying peach season! We gave up on buying any after several years of pithy purchases. :o((

  10. did you walk (meditate) the labyrinth? I love praying mantis... my friend Pat in MD, who has now passed on beyond earthly bonds, loved them too and always sent me pics from her yard. You made me remember her and her humor today, thanks. We can't find good peaches down here... enjoy them for us.

  11. I like your pretty stitching and LOVE the quilt under your peaches. I bought peaches this week too and they smell so good. Love that labyrinth place to walk!

  12. We had fresh peaches this week and locally grown cantaloupe which was very good. Cute little embroideries.

  13. Love your flowers! Peaches - I love this time of year. Pretty labyrinth (the tree is kind of a surprise, though, in the middle of it). Your embroidery looks lovely.

  14. Your flowers look amazing!! I love your embroidery! Finding a labyrinth--what a joyful and sweet surprise! Have a safe and happy week!

  15. That table runner is turning out beautifully, Diann and I also like those pretty purple fabrics in your trees.
    But in this post, have to say that saying gave me a tear in my last five years of teaching was at a children's hospital school so remember well the bravery in some so young. And their family too.
    My your flowers are lovely...and the marigolds are so tall. Fresh peaches are so good...we will be later in the month before Ontario peaches will be ready.
    Lovely post, Diann, thanks!
