Monday, June 15, 2020

To-Do Tuesday #42

Tuesday has rolled around again, so I'm checking in with my weekly to-do list and linking up with Roseanne and friends for the To-Do Tuesday linky party at Home Sewn By Us.  

I've been on a roll with finishing quilts this last week, or at least moving projects into the finishing stage!  Take a look:

Scrappy Sprouts and Sunflowers is finished!  Here's the full post.

Book Club, my hand-pieced quilt top is being quilted.  This is my evening slow stitching.

And my version of Sandra's Centred from her QAL, is being machine quilted!

In fact, I thought I was finished quilting this one on Sunday afternoon, until I turned it over and saw a bunch of tucks and pleats in the back where it looked as if my basting spray had failed and the backing fabric bunched up.  Sigh...

So, stitches have been ripped out, and re-stitching will be done.  I was frustrated at first, because who wants to rip out all that quilting?  But it's almost fixed, and ready for binding, so it won't be too much longer.

The other thing on my list was to work on my pink blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and that didn't happen.  That'll go back on the list for this week!

So, on this week's list:

1.  Finish Centred, and write up a post for the final link-up by Friday!  

2.  Work on pink blocks for RSC.

3.  Keep quilting on Book Club.

Moving along!

Hope you're moving some projects along this week, too!


  1. You're doing great! It's always a bummer to have to pull stitches but it looks fantastic and I can't wait to see the finish! Have a great day!

  2. Oh you are moving things along perfectly! Sorry about you having to rip out stitches. No one likes to have to do that but sometimes we must. All three projects look fabulous and, I'd have to guess, both on the front side and back!

  3. Well that was disappointing for you to have to rip out some quilting. But glad you are back on track!

  4. sorry you had a bit to fix on that one - I only spray basted once and didn't like it and never did again - I'm sure I used too much spray as the quilt ended up kind of stiff and it is used for a picnic table quilt - even after washing quite a few times it still feels a little stiff.

  5. Hi Diann! Oh, shoot - I hate that when I turn over a quilted piece and then notice that there are tucks in the backing. Annoying! I always pick out the stitches, too, and re-quilt. Your sunflowers turned out beautifully. Are you enjoying the hand quilting? It is rather relaxing, don't you think? Thanks so much for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Like the others, I feel for you finding the tucks in the backing. Do you press your quilt sandwich after spray basting? I always do, pressing the back first, then the front. It seems to help stabilize the fabric and make sure there are no issues on the back. Just a thought. I love seeing all of your projects! You are finishing up some good ones! Must be time for a visit from a squirrel or two??

  7. Your pretty embroidery-last post- reminds me I have that pattern too to work on which would be perfect for these June days.
    Meanwhile, those sunflowers are gorgeous! As are all your projects. Isn't hand quilting relaxing. I love the hand work most of all, I must admit.

  8. Ugh!! I'm SEW sorry to hear about your Centered Quilt, Diann. At least, you have a good attitude and the repair is nearly complete.

  9. Yay for finishes and in progress!! I can't wait to see the red project done, I love it.

  10. Ugh! Ripping out quilting is the worst. Somehow it always seems to be worth it, though. Good luck finishing those great projects!

  11. Love the red/white (want to make a red/white quilt someday!). Whenever I have to rip, I try to just dig in and get it done before I allow myself to really think about the frustrating task ahead--if that makes sense. Hopefully you're all done with it by now and have moved on to more fun things! :o). Good luck on your to-do's!

  12. Wow! Great progress, even if it involved some ripping out. The Sunflower quilt is so cheery!
