Saturday, June 13, 2020

Sunday Stitching

A little bit of embroidery this week -

This is a Kathy Schmitz pattern and she recommends stitching everything in a dark gray floss, but I like color, so I'm going for a rainbow of it!

I was able to get my hand-pieced quilt top layered for  quilting on Friday.  I found a fun red with little white flowers on it at my LQS that works great for the backing.

I like it so much that I may need to go back and get some more for the binding.

So far, most of the middle block is quilted, and that will be my slow stitching today, and all week.  The QAL has a deadline for sharing finished quilts of July 15th, but I really hope to have this done by the end of June.

Sharing at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching. 


  1. I agree! Your embroidery should be rich with color. The message is more clear then. Seems to me that Kathy Schmitz also likes to embroider on a dull yellow crackle fabric. Her dark thread looks good on that but something lighter & clearer is nicer to me. Your hand quilting looks good too!

  2. PS (Oh brother! hahaha!) I forgot to ask about your quilt shops, how they are handling the virus. The one closest to me is only allowing 3 shoppers in at a time, no restroom availability, and plenty of hand sanitizer stations. Another shop is asking no large groups come and to stay home if you are sick. Just curious about the close ones to you.

  3. Lovely, Diann! That red and cream is a work of art.

  4. You can definitely get that done by the end of June! I started my redwork snowman, I am doing the backstitch throughout him. Happy stitchin'.

  5. Both of these projects make my heart sing!
    I must look up that embroidery pattern.
    Love the red and white hand quilted sampler!

  6. I love the colors you are using on your embroidery... agree color is fun!
    I also love your quilt you are starting to work on... enjoy!

  7. Love all the colors on your embroidery! I did mine in my own colors too. Love that red and white quilt! Great work!

  8. Your backing fabric is perfect! Love the embroidery in color. So much happier with color I think. Happy stitching.

  9. Well, you know I love color, so I'm not going to disagree with your rainbow of embroidery - it looks so nice! That backing fabric is just perfect for the red/white quilt! Almost done - how exciting!

  10. I like how you have decided to complete the embroidery. Love the backing fabric. I think you have the right idea to get more of it for the binding. Enjoy your quilting!

  11. I like all the colors in your embroidery! Those hand quilted stitches in your hand pieced sampler are really bring it alive!

  12. I love your embroidery and agree that color adds so much depth to the piece. Your quilting is coming right along - steady work will get it there quickly.

  13. The primary floss colors is a great choice as is the quilt backing.Good progress on your QAL.

  14. Love your embroidery piece. I went to her website and found some things to buy. :D Can't wait to see your hand quilted quilt.

  15. I admire your hand stitching and quilting on the red and white quilt. It looks amazing! Cheering for you to reach your target date. You can do it!

  16. I too, love the rainbow colours of your sweet embroidery. Love too, the sweet little flower print for the backing you have used for your gorgeous quilt.
