Monday, June 8, 2020

To-Do Tuesday #41

Good morning!  I'm checking in today with my weekly to-do list and linking up with Roseanne and friends for the To-Do Tuesday linky party at Home Sewn By Us.  

Here's what was on the list for this past week:

1.  Make progress on quilting Scrappy Sprouts and Sunflowers.  Yes - it's about 2/3 quilted.  I'm almost done with the vertical sections of sprouts and need to do some work in the borders.  Getting close!

2.  Work on pink blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  Yes!

3.  Finish sewing together the hand-pieced blocks I've been working on for The Book Club QAL.  Yes!

4.  Read the book for my book club.  Finished Sunday afternoon, our Zoom get together was yesterday (Monday), and we had a fun discussion!

What's on the list for this week, then?  More of the same, I admit.

1.  Dare I say... finish Scrappy Sprouts and Sunflowers?  I'm going to give it a try!

2.  Two quilts need backings made:  the red and white hand-pieced top ⬆️ and my Centred QAL quilt top.  Both have final link-ups coming right up, so I need to get on that!  Centred is all in blue batiks, but I've picked a funny backing for it, and there's a reason for that.

When finished I'd like to give Centred to a friend I used to teach with who is now the principal at a STEM school.  (Science, technology, engineering, and math.)  Considering the year they just finished up, I think she deserves a quilt, don't you?

3.  Make a few more pink blocks for the RSC projects.  I need two more trees and 12 more HSTs for the zigzag row.

Lots to do, and keeping busy is what feels good to me right now.  Thanks for visiting - have a great week!


  1. Lots to do on a Tuesday, looking good! Love your pink RSC blocks!

  2. Lots of fun projects but I'm really impressed that you've got several FINISHES in the works. That deserves a big cheer down at the Finish Line!

  3. Love your Scrappy Sprouts! Every time I see one of these quilts, I think I need to make one but . . . so many quilts to make, only so much time. Happy stitching!

  4. You had a good week and I am sure you will meet your goals this week. You are closing in on the finishes and that will spur you onward!

  5. Best of luck on working through your list this week, Diann! Giving your Centered quilt away is SEW generous. That backing is PERFECT for the recipient!

  6. Wonderful projects all, love that backing fabric!!

  7. Hi Diann! You are staying busy and that's a good thing. Yes, I sure do think your friend who is a principal at a STEM school will really enjoy the quilt. That is a fun backing! The Book Club quilt really looks lovely - your fabric placement is so darn pleasing to the eye, I think. Those pink inspired trees just make me smile - they'll be a fun addition to the overall piece. Thanks for linking up this week and good luck with your list. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Love that STEM fabric. There is a new line of a similar theme coming out in a couple of months. I am looking forward to having it in the shop. So cute!

  9. Hi,
    Love all your quilts...really like the pink trees.
    Have a great day!

  10. You're making great progress on several fronts. Love the backing you are using for Centred. I have to get busy on quilting that one, too. And I've always loved the sprouts blocks. Your sunflower additions make it a cheery finish.

  11. I think you'll do really well on your list this week. So fun to see all of your projects and pretty blocks! I love the backing for the quilt - how fun is that?! It's been a rainy day here, but I snuck a walk in before it came, then spent the afternoon sewing. A good day!

  12. That hand-pieced red and white quilt top looks great! Cute pink trees. It’s funny that we’ve both been working on tree blocks. Take care, Mary.

  13. Such cheery projects you have going on, esp the sprouts and sunflowers. The science fabric is too fun!

  14. Your sunflower quilt is loving FAB! Can't wait to see it finished! I love your pink blocks this month. Something soothing in those colors appeals to me! Still loving that red and white cheerful piece. I think it is my favorite! Have a great day!
